You can configure incidents in Genetec Mission Control™ to handle threats like gas leaks, alert the operators to a possible accident, and provide guidelines for handling the situation.
Actions to take when a gas leak is detected
Threats like gas leaks must be handled efficiently to avoid injury to people nearby. With a preconfigured plan of action for such threats, operators can respond more efficiently. The action items for most emergency situations, such as bomb threats or gas leaks, include most of the same steps.
- Arm the incident zone.
- Verify the incident through video feed.
- If no fire is detected, dispatch security personnel to escort people out.
- If there is a leak or fire in a public place, activate a system-wide notification.
Considerations for Gas leak incident configuration
- Identity
- Define the incident. Select an icon and color scheme that will immediately capture your operator's attention in the Incident monitoring task in Security Desk.
- Properties
- Set the initial priority of the incident. In this example, it is set to
Medium until the threat is validated.
Select the option to allow operators to manually trigger the incident. This enables the operators to trigger the incident on the map in Security Desk when needed.
Select the retention period for incident details. You might need to save details of this incident for analysis later.
Set the maximum response time within which you want the operators to take action. You need your operators to respond immediately to this threat. Select the option to notify the Supervisors and incident recipients when this response time is not respected.
Set the maximum resolution time for the incident and select the option to notify the Supervisors and incident recipients when this response time is not respected.
- Recipients
- This is a serious threat. Supervisors and Administrators need to be notified.
- Triggers
- Depending on your system setup, you can use a combination of events as system
triggers for this incident. If you have sensors to detect gas leak, you can use the
event data from the sensors as a trigger for the incident. In the Incident
configuration task, click the Triggers tab and
select the event generated by the sensor.
Operators must also be able to trigger the incident manually when the threat is raised by people on the floor. To prepare for the possibility, you must enable the manual trigger option in the Incident configuration task. Click the Properties tab and select Allow manual trigger.
- User procedure
- After the incident is triggered, the operators must execute a threat assessment based on established procedures and validate the threat. In this scenario, incident procedures must give the operator options depending on the situation in real-time. You can configure multiple options using dynamic SOPs.
- Automation
- The configuration for your incident automation workflow must automate selected system activities to free up the operator's time to focus on the immediate threat. You can design your automation workflow to adapt to the situation in real-time and direct incident resolution activities accordingly.
- Threat levels
- For serious threats like a Gas leak incident, you might need to set up system wide or location based threat levels.
- Document management
- Emergency procedures such as Gas leak incidents need to follow established procedures. You can link procedural documents, emergency contact lists and so on to the incident from the Document management page in the Incident configuration task in Config Tool.
Threat level configuration for Gas leak incidents
- Arm the zone where the threat is detected.
- Unlock the door to evacuate personnel.
- If the gas leak is in a public place, make a system-wide announcement.
User procedure for Gas leak incidents
Gas leak user procedures must be flexible enough to address a various possibilities. You enable that using dynamic user procedures.
You can configure the procedure steps on the User procedure page in the Incident configuration task by selecting .
Here is an example dynamic user procedure for a gas leak scenario:
Document management for Gas leak incidents
Governments have specific guidelines for emergency procedures to handle various threats. You can associate incident-specific documents from the Document management section in the Incident configuration task. These documents can be links to external sites, the internal network, or PDF documents associated with the incident.
During gas leak incidents, these documents are immediately accessible to operators from the Incident Monitoring task in Security Desk.
In this example, there is a link to a topic on the Canadian government website that provides guidelines for managing hazardous spills or leaks. The link is specific to the Gas leak incident and will be displayed in the Incident monitoring task in Security Desk for the selected user group only. In this case, the operators.