Camera offline incidents - Mission Control

Genetec Mission Controlâ„¢ Administrator Guide

Mission Control
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

When using IP cameras to monitor your target area, there is a possibility that they might go offline. You can use incident automation workflow to detect and resolve the incident automatically if it is a temporary system glitch and request operator action only when manual intervention is needed.

Considerations for Camera offline incident configuration

If you use IP cameras in a network, you can configure your Genetec Mission Controlâ„¢ system to alert selected personnel to a camera malfunction and manage the incident effectively through incident automation workflow and dynamic user procedures.

When you set up a Camera offline incident, you must configure the following incident details:
Define the incident. Select an icon and color scheme that will immediately capture your operator's attention in the Incident monitoring task in Security Desk.
Set the initial priority of the incident. In this example, it is set to Medium.
Select recipients for incident management and incident notification.
When an IP camera goes offline, Security Center generates a Connection lost event. This event can be used by the Mission Control Rules Engine to trigger a Camera offline incident. You can configure this on the Properties page of the Incident configuration task in Config Tool.

User procedure
After the incident is triggered, the operators must validate the incident. It might be a system glitch that corrects itself in a few minutes. If so, the incident can be considered resolved. If not, the operators need to be guided with steps for incident resolution. You can configure multiple incident resolution options using dynamic SOPs.
The configuration for your incident automation workflow must automate selected system activities such as incident resolution if the trigger is a false-positive, and so on. If the incident is valid, the system must adapt to operator's response to dynamic SOP and execute activities accordingly.
You can use a custom incident state to indicate a maintenance request for the faulty camera connection.

User Procedure for Camera offline incidents

For Camera offline incidents, dynamic user procedures are ideal.

In this example, the user procedure includes steps to validate the incident and provides steps of action for incident resolution if the camera connection does not reestablish itself.

Custom incident states for Camera offline incidents

If resolving the incident requires operator intervention, your incident configuration must include an incident state that calls for action. This example scenario includes a custom Repair needed state configured through the States page in the Incident Manager role.

Tip: When you create a custom state, modify the other states to accept your custom state as an incoming state. In this case, the Closed incident state should accept the incoming Repair needed state to allow your operator to close the incident when repairs have been completed.