Configuring incident automation workflows for Mission Control - Mission Control

Genetec Mission Controlâ„¢ Administrator Guide

Mission Control
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Last updated

You can configure incident automation workflows to define how a Genetec Mission Controlâ„¢ incident changes state and affects the system in response to user actions, alarms, and other incidents.

What you should know

Automation is a series of activities associated to an incident type. These activities are performed by the system during the life cycle of an incident. The activities can change the incident state and properties, affect other entities in the system, or simply wait for a condition to become true. The automation workflow helps automate simple tasks, such as exporting the incident when it is resolved, so operators can focus on more complex ones. (Replaces the term incident workflow)

You can configure the automation workflow by drawing a flowchart that connects selected activities together, beginning with the Start node.


To configure an incident automation workflow:

  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Incident configuration task and select the desired incident.
  2. On the incident Automation page, click and drag an activity from the activity list to the Flowchart window, below the Start node.
    An activity node is created.
  3. Draw a flow (arrow) from the Start node to the activity node.
    1. Click the Start node.
      Four handles appear around the Start node.
    2. Click one of the handles and drag it to the activity node.
      Four handles appear around the activity node.
    3. Release the mouse button while the cursor is resting on one of the activity handles.
      An arrow appears, connecting the two nodes together.
      Tip: Alternatively, you can drag your activity node over the Start node and drop your activity node on one of the four handles that appear around the Start node. The system automatically draws an arrow connecting both nodes.
  4. Add more activity nodes to your flowchart to complete your automation workflow.
    Many flowchart activities require additional parameters. Double-click the activity node to configure the activity parameters.

    To return to the top level, click the Flowchart link above the diagram.

  5. Optional: If you have an automation workflow that needs to perform a different series of activities based on the outcome of another activity, you can use Conditional activities or the Parallel tasks.
    Conditional activities use case:

    You can configure your incident so that the system automatically performs a different set of tasks based on the location of the incident.

    Parallel tasks use case:

    Parallel tasks are especially effective when you have more than one Wait activity determining your automation workflow. In this example, the system carries out a different sequence of activities based on the incident state. If the incident is in progress, it will carry out the sequence of activities listed in the Incident in progress window. If the incident is on hold, it will carry out the sequence of activities in the Incident on hold window and so on.

    In the Parallel tasks activity, the Exit when all branches are completed option determines when the system exits the activity branches:
    • If the check-box is selected, the system waits for all activity branches to be completed before exiting the Parallel tasks activity.
    • If the check-box is cleared, the system exits the Parallel tasks activity when any one of the branches is complete.
    For a complete list of available flowchart activities, see Mission Control incident - Automation tab.
  6. When you have completed your automation workflow configuration, click Apply to save it.
    • If your activity configuration is incorrect, error messages appear at the bottom of the screen.
    • If your automation workflow configuration includes an infinite loop, the system stops the automation workflow with an error message when the automation workflow executed.

To delete elements from the flowchart:

  1. Right-click a flow or activity on the flowchart, and select Delete.
  2. To delete multiple activities:
    • Hold the CTRL key and click on the activities you want to delete.
    • Right-click on any of the selected activities, and select Delete.

To move an activity in the flowchart:

  1. Click an activity box and drag it to the desired position.

To insert activities

  1. Select and drag the activity you want to insert to the desired position in the automation workflow.
  2. Hold it over the arrow at the desired position till the activity turns blue.
  3. Drop the activity at the desired position.
    The system modifies the existing connections to include the new activity.


Watch this video to learn more. Click the Captions icon (CC) to turn on video captions in one of the available languages.

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