A collaborative incident is an incident type that requires the collaboration of multiple teams to resolve. Each team has specific tasks to follow, which are represented by sub-incidents. The collaborative incident is resolved when all its sub-incidents are resolved.
With collaborative incidents, a supervisory user can monitor the collaborative efforts of multiple teams of responders without having to monitor each team individually. Each team can follow their own SOPs without being distracted by what the other teams are doing. Only the supervisor has the overview of the whole situation. When a collaborative incident is triggered, all attached sub-incidents are triggered and dispatched to their respective Genetec Mission Controlâ„¢ operators.
A typical example is a fire on the tarmac at an airport. This type of situation requires multiple response teams, including firefighters (emergency services) and security personnel. The firefighter team is responsible for putting out the fire, and the security team is responsible for establishing a security perimeter and guiding airplanes and passengers to safer locations. As the Mission Control administrator, you can create a collaborative incident for Fire on the tarmac: one sub-incident for one team of operators to monitor the activities of the firefighters, and another sub-incident for a second team of operators to monitor the activities of the security team. When the incident is resolved, the incident logs can be analyzed to evaluate the performance of each team and make improvement recommendations.
Synchronization between the collaborative incident and its sub-incidents
- Changing the state of the collaborative incident to S1 also changes the state of its sub-incidents to S1, except for the incidents that are closed.
- Changing the state of one of the sub-incidents to any state other than New changes the state of the collaborative incident to In progress.
- The state of the collaborative incident is changed to S1 if the state of all its sub-incidents that are not yet closed are changed to S1.
- Changing a column color on the collaborative incident also changes the column color of its sub-incidents.
Supervisors dispatch mode
Collaborative incidents can be dispatched to everyone or to specific users like regular incidents. There is also an exclusive Supervisors dispatch mode for collaborative incidents. When the Supervisors dispatch mode is selected, only the users configured as incident supervisors of the recipients of the sub-incidents can see collaborative incident in the Incident monitoring task. The sub-incident recipients can only see their respective sub-incidents (less distraction), and the supervisors do not see the sub-incidents in their incident list (less clutter).
Incident browsing
In the Incident monitoring task, a supervisor can see which sub-incidents are attached to a collaborative incident in the dashboard under the Sub-incidents section.
You can browse between the collaborative incident to its sub-incidents by clicking
the navigation buttons ( and
In the Incident report task, you can browse from a collaborative incident to a sub-incident by clicking the corresponding link in the Sub-incidents section in the dashboard. You can also browse from a sub-incident to its related collaborative incident by clicking the Collaborative link in the Overview section.