Lockout tag out incidents - Mission Control

Genetec Mission Controlâ„¢ Administrator Guide

Mission Control
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To protect workers from risk or harm during lockout maintenance procedures, there are mandatory safety procedures. During lockout work, the usual safety systems on machinery can be off, making additional precautions necessary. You must therefore incorporate established safety procedures into your user procedures and your automation workflow design.

Considerations for Lockout tag out incident configuration

Lockout incidents are generally planned work. There is less system automation and more user procedure to be monitored and logged.

The Lockout tag out incident configuration must include the following:
Define the incident. Select an icon and color scheme that is unique and reflects the nature of the incident.

Your operators can see all the incidents assigned to them in the incident list in the Incident monitoring task in Security Desk. Having dedicated icons and color schemes gives them an instant snapshot of the state of their zones or areas.

The operator must be able to trigger the incident manually. This can be configured by selecting Allow manual trigger in the Properties page of the Incident configuration task.
Select recipients for incident management and notification.

Because Lockout tag out incidents are typically triggered manually by the operators in Security Desk, you can select Simple recipient configuration in the Recipients page of the Incident configuration task.

In this example, everyone is notified that Lockout tag out work has begun.

While Lockout tag out incidents are planned work and need a manual trigger, they can also be configured with system events as triggers. System incident triggers can be system events, such as Zone maintenance started, with conditions of equipment failure, such as AC fail or Battery fail.
User procedure
This incident needs a dynamic user procedure so the system and procedure can adapt to operator responses.
In this example, the only two actions that the system needs to perform can be configured in the incident automation workflow using the Disarm zone activity and Dispatch incident activity.

User procedure for Lockout tag out incidents

If a procedure already exists to handle Lockout tag out incidents, you can import those steps from a CSV file into the dynamic user procedure of the incident.

If not, create an user procedure that validates existing safety measures and provides steps of action to complete the task:
  1. Check if the equipment can be disengaged during maintenance.
    If it can be disengaged, follow the steps for lockout procedure:
    • Disconnect power supply to it.
    • Ensure the installation is dead. If it is, then carry out earthing and short-circuiting.
    • Ensure that there is protection against adjacent live parts.
  2. If the equipment cannot be disengaged, ensure that there is an equipment-specific servicing procedure.
    • If there are no safety measures in place, stop the job and notify the supervisors.
    • If there are safety measure in place, proceed with the lockout procedure.