Recipient management based on incident location - Mission Control

Genetec Mission Controlâ„¢ Administrator Guide

Mission Control
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You can configure incidents in Genetec Mission Controlâ„¢ to let the system automate some tasks, freeing up the operator's time to monitor the floor. One use case is to automatically assign recipients for incidents based on incident location.

Incident configuration considerations

You can configure your incidents so that the system automatically designates recipients based on selected conditions.

In this example, there are two fire escape doors on different floors of an office building. Each floor has a different security detail. An unauthorized entry or exit through those doors needs to be investigated by the appropriate security team.

The goal is to automate incident dispatch to the right security team. You can do this by configuring the following:
  • Incident recipients
  • Incident triggers

Incident recipient configuration

In this example, the same incident requires a different set of recipients based on the location where it is triggered. For this scenario you can configure recipients as follows:
  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Incident configuration task, and select the incident you want to configure.
  2. Click the Recipients tab.
  3. Click Specific and then Advanced to configure recipients for the incident.

    This enables incident forwarding to another user or user group when the selected recipients are not logged on. In this example scenario, it is the Supervisors.

  4. Add Security 1 as recipient when the incident is triggered in Fire escape door [Building B Floor 1] and Security 2 as recipient when incident is triggered in Fire escape door [Building B Floor 2].

Incident trigger configuration

In this example, the incident configuration must trigger the same incident even when the triggers are in different locations. You can configure the triggers for such a scenario as follows:
  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Incident configuration task, and select the incident you want to configure.
  2. Click the Triggers tab.
  3. Click Add event and select Door opened.
  4. Add sources for sources Door opened as Fire escape door [Building B Floor 1] and Fire escape door [Building B Floor 2].
  5. Click Apply to save the trigger selection.

The operator's screen

In this example, when Fire escape door on floor 1 gets opened, the system automatically triggers the incident. It sends an alert to Security 1 and Operator 1 or Operator 2 based on their work schedule as follows:

Here is the latest activity report as seen in Security Desk. It shows the progress of the incident from the instance it is triggered: