Turning on profile auto-assignment - Mission Control

Genetec Mission Controlâ„¢ Administrator Guide

Mission Control
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To reduce the risk of leaving incidents unattended (not being received by anyone), as an administrator, you can turn the automatic profile assignment feature on.

What you should know

When you turn the automatic profile assignment feature on, the Incident Manager role ensures that all profiles configured in the system are auto-assigned to all allowed users who are connected to the system through Security Desk, unless the profile is permanently assigned to someone.
Best Practice:
  • If you let the system handle the profile assignments, make sure your user groups and profiles take into account the working hours of your operators, so that there is always someone to monitor the incidents at all times. Let everyone be the recipient of all incident types, and let the profiles take care of the workload distribution.
  • If you decide not to use the auto-assignment feature, then make sure you have someone who acts as supervisor, and who ensures that all incidents are monitored at all times.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the System task, and click the Roles view.
  2. Click Incident Manager > Properties.
  3. Under Profiles, set Auto-assign mode to ON.
  4. Click Apply.