Automation workflow design for Guard tour investigation incidents - Mission Control

Genetec Mission Controlâ„¢ Administrator Guide

Mission Control
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You can use incident automation workflows to monitor and investigate issues in routine patrol routes.

Automation workflow design considerations for Guard tour investigation incidents

Your incident automation workflow configuration must take the operator and system through a series of verification steps and provide procedures to resolve issues.

Guard tour investigation incidents require the following activities:
  • Active video feed to monitor the guard on patrol.
  • User procedure to contact the guard, if scheduled checkpoint verifications are not performed.
  • Options to dispatch the incident to security personnel to investigate if the guard is unreachable.
  • Options to interrupt investigations and resume regular guard patrol if the guard checks in while investigations are underway.

Automation Workflow for Guard tour investigation incidents

In this example, the Guard tour investigation incident is triggered manually by the operator. This would be the case only when the guard has failed to check-in. So the automation workflow begins with a check to see if this is a minor issue of time management or a missing guard.

In this example, the Parallel tasks activity incorporates multiple activity paths for the system to take based on operator's response in real time. Combined with the Wait for procedure activity, the operator's response to user procedure directs the system to the appropriate activity branch.

In this scenario, the two main activity branches include activities for the following:
  • Incident priority escalation to locate an unreachable guard.
  • Guard tour investigation incident resolution.
The operator's response to the Comms verification dynamic incident procedure step determines the activity branch the system executes.

By default, the Exit when all branches are completed option is cleared and the system exits the Parallel tasks activity when one of the activity branches has been executed.

The Parallel tasks activity within the Sequence activity titled Guard tour recovered, puts the incident on hold for different time intervals based on the guard's response for failing to reach the checkpoint at the predetermined time.

NOTE: The current configuration, Display entity: Incident location live shows the camera at incident location only if the incident source includes a camera. If the operator triggers the incident on the camera in the map at incident location or if the system trigger uses a camera entity, this configuration of the Display entity activity shows the configured camera.

If system triggers are configures that do not include cameras, you must select the exact camera entity to display.

If the guard is missing and unreachable, the incident priority is escalated using the Change priority activity and the incident is highlighted in the Incident Monitoring task using the Column color activity.

By using activities such as Parallel tasks, Change incident state, Dispatch incident, Display entity, and so on, the system actions are automated to change incident states based on real-time issues and dispatch the incident for further investigation to on-site security.

If you want operators to manually perform these actions, you can also omit these automation workflow activities.

Automating post resolution activities

When the missing guard is found, the scheduled guard patrol can resume. The system automatically changes the current Guard tour investigation incident to the Guard tour recovered incident.

The operator's screen for Guard tour investigation incidents

This Guard tour investigation incident is configured with a manual trigger option. The operator can trigger the incident on the area map, at the exact location where the guard failed to check in by right-clicking on the map.

This activates the dynamic user procedure and the system responds based on operator response to the procedure steps.

Based on operator selection in this example, the system automatically opens the Monitoring task with a video feed of the incident location.

When the guard is found, the system triggers the Guard tour recovered incident using the Change incident type activity.

The Change incident type activity stops the current automation workflow and executes the automation workflow of the newly triggered Guard tour recovered incident but preserves the history, aggregated entities, events and incident ID of the Guard tour investigation incident.

The system guides the operator with incident resolution activities as configured in the Guard tour recovered incident.