Configuring incident types for Mission Control - Mission Control

Genetec Mission Control™ Administrator Guide

Mission Control
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

For every type of situation that requires your security team's intervention, you can define a Genetec Mission Control™ incident. An incident type entity represents a situation that requires specific actions to resolve it. The incident type entity can also be used to automate the incident detection in Genetec Mission Control™ and to enforce the standard operating procedures that your security team must follow.

What you should know

You can create incident categories to group incidents of similar types together.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Incident configuration task.
  2. Click the Incident configuration view (if not selected).
  3. (Optional) Select or create an incident category.
  4. Click Incident.
    A new incident type named New incident is added. By default, the Operational status is set to Not in service.
  5. Click the Identity page, enter a name and description, and choose an icon and a color for this incident type.
    Mission Control entities share the same set of custom icons. You can use any PNG or JPG file as an icon. A PNG file with transparent background works best.

  6. Click Apply.
  7. Click the Properties tab and configure the General properties and the Response and resolution time properties as required, and then click Apply.
  8. Click the Recipients tab and configure to whom incidents of this type should be dispatched. You can configure an advanced dispatch of incidents based on additional criteria such as user's assigned work area, schedule, online status, and so on.
  9. Click Apply.
  10. Click the Triggers tab and configure the rules that Mission Control applies to identify and trigger this type of incident.
    NOTE: If no trigger is defined, you must set Allow manual trigger to ON.
  11. Click the Automation tab and configure the automation workflow that defines the life cycle of the incident.
  12. Click the User procedure tab and configure the standard operating procedure (SOP) that the operator must follow before resolving the incident.


Watch this video to learn more. Click the Captions icon (CC) to turn on video captions in one of the available languages.

NOTE: Although we do our best to keep our videos current, the information presented in this video might become outdated with each new release. If you find anything wrong with this video, feel free to contact us.

After you finish

Test your incident triggers and automation workflow. Train your response team on the standard operating procedures.