Configuring profiles for Mission Control - Mission Control

Genetec Mission Controlâ„¢ Administrator Guide

Mission Control
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

In an environment with a large pool of incidents to monitor, shared by multiple groups of operators, you can divide the incidents into smaller pools called profiles, and assign them to different groups, so each group only needs to focus on a small number of incidents, while allowing the groups to take up each other's workload whenever one of them has a shortfall.

What you should know

A profile in Genetec Mission Controlâ„¢ is an incident filter used to distribute active incidents among the operators who are currently logged on to the system. Profiles filter incidents by type and by occurrence location.


To create a profile:

  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Incident configuration task.
  2. Click the Profiles view.
  3. Click Profile () and enter the profile name.
  4. In the Identity page, enter the Description of the profile.
  5. Under Icon, select an existing icon or click Add to add a new one.
    Mission Control entities share the same set of custom icons. You can use any PNG or JPG file as an icon. A PNG file with transparent background works best.
  6. Click Apply > Properties.

  7. Under Allowed users, select the users to whom this profile can be assigned.
    Select one of the following:
    All users can be assigned this profile.
    Only the configured users and user groups can be assigned this profile.
  8. Configure at least one of the next two parameters.
    Incident types and categories that are selected by this profile.
    Areas corresponding to locations where incidents occurred, selected by this profile.
  9. Click Apply.
    The new profile is created deactivated (in red).

To activate the new profile:

  1. Select the profile and click Activate () at the bottom of the screen.
    All changes are logged in the Profiles audit trails.