Hot work incidents - Mission Control

Genetec Mission Controlâ„¢ Administrator Guide

Mission Control
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

Any work that produces a source of ignition, such as welding, cutting, grinding, and so on, is classified as hot work. Hot work poses fire hazards, and government safety procedures must be incorporated into user procedures and automation workflow design.

Considerations for Hot work incident configuration

Incidents for hot work requests must be triggered manually, so it is unnecessary to configure triggers. You need to select the option to manually trigger the incident in the incident Properties page.

A Hot work incident configuration must include the following:
Define the incident. Select an icon and color scheme that is unique and reflects the nature of the incident. Your operators can see all the incidents assigned to them in the incident list in the Incident monitoring task in Security Desk. Having dedicated icons and color schemes gives them an instant snapshot of the state of their zones or areas.
Set the initial priority of the incident. This is typically planned work. In this example, initial incident priority is set to Low.

Select the option to allow operators to manually trigger the incident. This enables the operators to trigger the incident on the map in Security Desk when needed.

Select recipients for incident management and notification.

Because Hot work incidents are typically triggered manually by the operators in Security Desk, you can select Simple recipient configuration in the Recipients page of the Incident configuration task.

You need the Advanced recipients configuration only for situations wherein the intended recipients are not logged on and the incident needs to be dispatched to your backup recipients list.

Hot work incidents are typically planned work. Only a manual incident trigger is required.
Manual trigger is configured in the incident Properties page.
User procedure
Hot work procedures must adhere to government regulations. Typically, this includes a set series of steps that must be performed in order. You can configure this using Simple procedure mode in the User procedure page of the Incident configuration task.
When the incident is triggered by the operator, the incident automation workflow design must automatically disarm the zone in which the incident is triggered and notify selected personnel that work has begun.
Document management
You can link procedural documents, emergency contact lists, and so on to the incident from the Document management page in the Incident configuration task in Config Tool.
Area view > Arming
In this example, the zones in the area map are always armed by default. When the Hot work incident is triggered the zone and the entities attached to it need to be disarmed for work to proceed. This information can be found in Config Tool by clicking Area view > Arming and adding the schedule for arming the zone.

User procedure for Hot work incidents

The user procedure for Hot work incidents must enforce compliance to government regulations for hot work before the incident can be closed.

In this scenario, the user procedure is a simple list of steps that must be completed in sequential order and cannot be skipped.

You can configure this by selecting Simple procedure mode in the User procedures page of the Incident configuration task.

  • The Allow non-validated steps option is cleared. This ensures that the operators complete all the steps or skip it with a justification. In this case, the system does not support incident resolution without completing all the steps in the procedure.
  • The Force comment option is selected. The ensures that the operators enter a comment for each step.