Investigating changes to your Mission Control system - Mission Control

Genetec Mission Control™ Administrator Guide

Mission Control
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

Using the Incident configuration task, you can view configuration changes that were made on the incident types and profiles, who made the changes, when they were made, and on which entity settings.

What you should know

Use the Audit trails task to view changes made to the Incident Manager role. Use the Incident configuration task to view changes made to the incident types and the profiles.


To view changes made to the incident types:

  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Incident configuration task.
  2. Click Audit trails > Incident type.
  3. Set up the query filters for the report.
    Incident type
    Select entire categories or individual incident types.
    User who made the modification.
    Modification time
    Time range during which the profile assignment was modified.
  4. Click Generate report.
    The description of the changes are listed in the report pane.
  5. Click Export report () to export your current query results in Excel, CSV, or PDF format.

To view changes made to the profiles:

  1. Click the Profiles tab.
  2. Set up the query filters for the report.
    Profile name.
    User who made the modification.
    Modification time
    Time range during which the profile assignment was modified.
  3. Click Generate report.
    The description of the changes are listed in the report pane.
  4. Click Export report () to export your current query results in Excel, CSV, or PDF format.

After you finish

For details on investigating incidents through the Incident report task in Security Desk, see Generating Mission Control reports.