Specifying allowed events for Mission Control - Mission Control

Genetec Mission Control™ Administrator Guide

Mission Control
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To improve system performance and to control the number of Security Center events processed by Genetec Mission Control™, you can specify a list of allowed event types available to the system.

What you should know

Incoming Security Center events are filtered before they are processed by Mission Control. Using the event filter, you can choose to allow all events types, no event types, or one or more specific event types.

By default, all Security Center event types are available to Mission Control.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the System task and click the Roles view.
  2. Select the Incident Manager role, and click the Events tab.
  3. Under Available events, select Specific.
    A nested list of source entities appears.

    Tip: You can search for specific events and obtain a filtered view of events and their existing configurations.
  4. Expand the source entities to reveal the event types generated by that source.
  5. Select the allowed event types.
    NOTE: The same event type can come from two or more sources. Selecting an event type for one source automatically selects that event type for all applicable sources.

  6. Click Apply.


The event filter is now enabled. Only the selected Security Center events will be processed by Mission Control. Any incident triggers that depend on filtered events will fail to activate.