Limitations in Mission Control - Mission Control | Mission Control Web API 2.10

Genetec Mission Controlâ„¢ Release Notes

Mission Control
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Release notes
Last updated

Genetec Mission Controlâ„¢ includes the following known limitations.

Issue First reported in Description
3420758 CPU usage is higher than normal after installing Mission Control
3391955 Typing Ctrl+A when configuring automation activities with a drop-down menu makes the Config Tool crash.
3331578 The Send an email automation activity does not work after the Access denied: Stolen credential event message.
3293831 Changing the time zone during an ongoing incident does not update the time zone in the additional field, the latest activity, the user procedure, and filter columns in the Incident monitoring task.
3291591 When a dynamic user procedure has a DateTime additional field in the step name, it displays the users current timezone. If the user changes their time zone, the step name does not change to display the new DateTime.
3280529 For the Date type additional field, the calendar displays the option to select the date but it does not sync the default date to display the current date.
3257496 Files added to the Document widget in the Incident monitoring task are not displayed when the Document Service is restarted.
3207844 When a call cannot be made using the dynamic user procedure using Sipelia, Security Desk fails to add a note.
3196591 Uploading documents of file type .xlsx is not supported in Mission Control
3190716 An Additional field is associated with the incident only during the incident creation process and is not available on the Trigger incident dialog box in Security Desk.
3190487 Security Desk displays the wrong user credential in the Overview and Related entities widgets in the incident display pane when the specific credential is attached to the source entity.
3190030 An invalid email address is not identified or logged as an error in Security Center or Mission Control when the email does not reach the user.
3189693 When an Additional Field type URL is modified for an incident type with a different value, it cannot be selected in the incident properties and is disabled.
3189385 The user interface of the Additional fields widget with information on the incident display pane in Security Desk can be improved.
3189336 The Additional field type URL does allows the addition of multiple forward slashes at the end of the domain.
3188600 Attaching a report on the Send an email automation activity in the Incident configuration task is not supported to unregistered users in Security Center.
3167585 The Record Fusion Service experiences delay in generating reports when the report has more than 5000 queries.
3091980 When opening an incident with composite entities in the Monitoring task from the Incident monitoring task, the display is automatically unpacked.
3087041 When using Display entity in an automation workflow to show a monitoring layout with composite entities, it is automatically unpacked.
3086919 When there are over 10,000 custom events per entity, Config Tool freezes when trying to expand the entity configuration in the System > > Roles > Incident Manager > Events page.
3075047 When entities are attached to an active incident through the Incident report task, the update is not reflected in the Monitoring tile.
3074805 When there are more than 15 Display entity automation activities in an automation workflow, each with its own video source, only 15 are displayed in a Monitoring task.
3070771 Additional field names that contain curly braces "{" or "}" are ignored by the system.
2949285 When running the CCURE plugin, opening an active incident with a camera attached to the associated alarm in the Monitoring task, prevents the CCure widget from being displayed.
2938704 When opening an incident with associated alarms on a tile in the Incident report task, the alarm is not visible.
2862461 When RabbitMQ logon password is changed in the web management portal, connection to RabbitMQ is still live in Config Tool with the old password configuration.
2835512 The Monitoring task does not refresh dynamically to show new location when active incident location is changed.
2833670 Right-clicking an incident not linked to an area or a map and triggered on a federated entity does not include the same list of options as an incident triggered on a non-federated entity.
2828081 The location of an incident is not refreshed in the Monitoring task, when the incident type's automation workflow includes a Wait for incident state activity before a Display entity activity.
2825388 When the workstation version of Mission Control is and the server has a later version of Mission Control, the Incident monitoring task displays a black screen.
2824205 The tile view is different when opening an incident in Monitoring task from Incident report or Incident monitoring task.
2822997 When selecting a value other than the default value for the Incident details pane font size option in Incident monitoring > Settings > Options, there are extra line breaks after incident description in the Overview widget in the Incident details pane.
2810731 The list of Available columns in the Incident monitoring task Select columns dialog box does not automatically refresh to reflect the updates to the Custom columns list in the Incident Manager properties.
2777927 Upgrading to Mission Control from an earlier version the upgrade is blocked with an error message.
2776991 When incident descriptions are long, exporting the incident report in CSV and JPG to include Charts mode of the report crops the image and description.
2765501 There is a delay in updating door state after a door event in Conditional activities.
Workaround: Do not use door state check immediately after Wait for event > Specific event > <door event> in incident type Conditional activities automation activity.
2738978 Sometimes when multiple users are connected to the same system and are viewing the same incident, the dynamic SOP widget has a minor time lag.
2734972 Sometimes when an active incident automation workflow includes multiple video entities, Security Desk freezes while the video streams load.
2730468 When adding multiple auto validation conditions to a dynamic SOP step, the Edit option dialog box expands out of view.
2708341 When opening the Incident monitoring task, the incident Name and Locationcolumn widths are set to the width of the strings of the incident displayed and not to the maximum width needed for other incidents in the list.
2658251 Custom widget headers in the Incident details pane use the class name in the code instead of set display name.
2600265 When emailing an incident report from the System > Scheduled tasks in Config Tool, the incident category detail is missing.
2580015 When the Display entity automation activity is the first activity in an incident workflow, related entities of the active incident are not displayed in the Monitoring task, if the Monitoringtask is not already open.
Workaround: Add a Delay automation workflow activity before the Display entity automation activity.
2565676 If a user or user group assigned as recipient for an incident type is deleted when an incident's Recipients tab is open, the recipients list is not automatically updated to reflect the change.
2565626 If a new user group is created when the Incident configuration page is open, the Auto-assign recipients list is not automatically updated to show the new user group.
Workaround: Close and reopen the Incident configuration task.
2562012 When an incident is triggered on an alarm with a door entity attached, the door entity is not visible in the General tab of the Incident monitoring task.
2542520 Triggered incident pins disappear when switching between maps in the Incident monitoring tasks.
2462156 When adding more than one output entity in the Trigger output workflow activity, the dialog box shows unnecessary entities.
2446797 When logging on to a saved workspace in Security Desk with a triggered incident in the Monitoring task, the Incident details pane is not displayed accurately.
Workaround: Select another incident in the Incident monitoring task.
2438786 When configuring the Trigger output workflow activity, the dialog box displays roles and entities that have no valid outputs.
2432621 The Contact entity list in the Call action configuration dialog box gets deselected when searching for the contact entity.
2431627 When the Export incident activity is used immediately after the Trigger and add sub-incident activity in an incident workflow, the exported information does not include sub-incident ID.
2421575 Activating or deactivating a profile for a user already logged into Security Desk, reloads the queue of incidents configured with auto-open in the notification tray in Security Desk.
2416095 When Synchronize incident monitoring tasks is selected in Security Desk for a setup with multiple monitors, selecting multiple incidents with different map configurations displays the default map with missing incident details.
2372085 When multiple images are configured as documents for a dynamic SOP step, selecting the option All documents in the step displays only one of the images.
2371156 When an incident configured with Auto-open in Monitoring is triggered, the Monitoring task does not close automatically even when the incident is transferred to another recipient.
2370643 When saving an Incident report task in Security Desk, the default sort option for incident reports is not saved.
2236819 Sometimes the workflow does not run because the system reads it inaccurately.
2211429 2.11 SR1 If the Wait for state > New activity is at the beginning of the workflow, it will not be executed.
2119187 2.11 GA Incidents triggered from the Web API with geographical coordinates do not display correctly on an image map if the map is not georeferenced, or if the map is georeferenced and the incident is triggered outside the image boundary.
2020510 2.10 GA Incident is not triggered by an Access denied event from a cardholder group, when the specific user is in a subgroup under that group.
1861305 2.9 GA Documents that are available on a schedule remain visible in the Documents widget on the incident dashboard, if an associated incident is selected when the scheduled period ends.
Workaround: Refresh the Documents widget by logging off and logging back on, or briefly switching to another incident.
1753448 2.8 GA When using the Change incident type workflow activity to change an incident to another type with TTR enforced, TTR events will not be triggered, if they were already triggered in the previous incident type.
1633372 2.8 GA After generating an incident report with several incidents displayed on the same map, selecting one of the incident pins, does not select the corresponding incident in the incident list.
1188735 2.7 GA Profile auto-assignment: When operators who are allowed to use profiles log on through a Security Desk workstation without Mission Control installed, the profiles are auto-assigned to them.
1108767 2.7 GA The incident configuration audit trails are never deleted.
721822 2.3 GA When you delete an incident icon from the Properties tab, the icon is only removed for the selected incident, not all incidents.
632319 2.3 GA Failover: After a failover occurs, the configured Delay for the workflow of an incident is not respected. The Delay duration reverts to the default setting (0).
545314 2.3 GA Incident monitoring: Grouping over 5000 incidents can take up to 3 minutes, and Security Desk does not respond during this time.
518515 2.3 GA Incident monitoring: When you maximize and restore a map in the task, the Incident pane size also changes.