Adding non-administrator users - Patroller 6.7

Genetec Patroller™ Administrator Guide 6.7

Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

If your policy requires that Genetec Patroller™ users must not be administrators on the in-vehicle computer, you can configure the system to accept non-administrator user accounts.


  1. Log on to Windows using an administrator account.
  2. Give the Users group read and write permissions to the folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Genetec AutoVu 6.7.
    1. Right-click the folder and select Properties.
    2. Click the Security tab.
    3. Select the Users group and click Edit.
    4. Select Modify and Write permissions for the user group.
      Windows folder permission required for non-administrator users
    5. Click Apply.
    6. Click OK.
  3. Using the same steps, give the Users group read and write permissions to the folder: C:\ProgramData\Genetec\AutoVu Patroller.
  4. Give the Users group permission to change the Windows clock.
    1. Run the Local Security Policy application.
    2. Navigate to Local Policies > User Rights Assignment.
      Windows Local Security Policy application
    3. Double-click Change the system time.
    4. Select Add user or group.
      Adding the Users group
    5. In the Enter the object names field, enter the user group that you created for the patrol vehicle and click Check names to validate the entry.
      Permission to modify Windows time
    6. Click OK.
      Permissions are added for the Users group.
      Permission to modify Windows time
    7. Click Apply.
    8. Click OK.