Operation - Permits tab in Genetec Patroller™ Config Tool - Patroller 6.7

Genetec Patroller™ Administrator Guide 6.7

Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

Enable and configure permits, shared permits (if applicable), and related options.

Use permit
Turn on to enable the use of permits.
Auto accept permit hits
Turn this on if you want Genetec Patroller™ to accept permit hits with no user action. After the patrol vehicle has passed through the parking area, the operator can then review and enforce the hits.
Bypass permit hit enforcement
Turn on to bypass the additional step of enforcing a hit after accepting it. When turned on, Genetec Patroller™ assumes you enforced the hit, and will not display the Enforced/Not enforced prompt.
Auto enforce permit hits
Turn on for Patroller to run in unattended mode. Hits are automatically accepted and enforced without requiring user interaction.
NOTE: If you’ve configured Hit reject reasons, they are ignored when you turn this setting on.
Use shared permit
Turn on to enable the use of shared permits.
Auto accept shared permit hits
Turn this on if you want Patroller to accept shared permit hits with no user action. After the patrol vehicle has passed through the parking area, the operator can then review and enforce the hits.
Bypass shared permit hit enforcement
Turn on to bypass the additional step of enforcing a hit after accepting it. When turned on, Patroller assumes you enforced the hit, and will not display the Enforced/Not enforced prompt.
Auto enforce shared permit hits
Turn on for Patroller to run in unattended mode. Hits are automatically accepted and enforced without requiring user interaction.
NOTE: If you’ve configured Hit reject reasons, they are ignored when you turn this setting on.