Troubleshooting: Red Security Center connection icon in Patroller - Patroller 6.7

Genetec Patroller™ Administrator Guide 6.7

Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

For patrol vehicles equipped with the GlobalSat BU-353S4 USB GPS receiver, if the Security Center connection status icon is red in Genetec Patroller™, you can troubleshoot the issue.

What you should know

The GlobalSat BU-353S4 receiver connects to the in-vehicle computer. Alternatively, SharpZ3 systems might include the Tallysman TW2412 GPS/GLONASS antenna which connects to the SharpZ3 navigation expansion module.


  1. Verify that GPS settings have been enabled. For more information, see Enabling Patroller GPS settings.
  2. Verify the GPS status in Patroller as follows:
    1. In Patroller, click Status.
    2. Go to the Diagnostics page.
    The Diagnostics page indicates if the GPS is active, and the number of satellites it can detect. The minimum number of satellites is four. Anything lower than four can indicate GPS signal coverage or antenna issues.
  3. Disconnect and connect the USB GPS receiver from the in-vehicle computer.
  4. Try connecting to a different USB port on the in-vehicle computer.
  5. Verify that the USB GPS receiver is using the most recent driver. For more information, see Installing the GlobalSat GPS driver.
  6. Verify that the USB GPS antenna is detected in the Device Manager, and take note of its COM port. Then verify that the same port is displayed in Navigation > Equipment > Advanced > Port.