The Permit window allows you to select the permit you want to enforce.
Before you begin
- For Genetec Patroller™ Standalone, Import a permit to Genetec Patroller™.
- For Genetec Patroller™ City and University Parking Enforcement, create and configure a permit in Security Center Config Tool.
What you should know
- You may have more than one permit list to choose from, so choose the permit list that applies to your patrol area.
- When you select a parking zone (either linked to a permit or a permit restriction rule), if your system is registered to use Plate link, a Downloading reads message is displayed. To ensure that all shared permit violations are detected, wait until the # reads downloaded message is displayed and the Plate link icon displays a check mark () before continuing your patrol.
NOTE: Auto-selection of a permit is only
supported in Security
Center 5.3 SR1 and later.
The Auto-Selection tab will be disabled if you are using an older
version of Security