Shortcut keys in Patroller - Patroller Curb Sense 6.7

Genetec Patrollerā„¢ User Guide 6.7 for Curb Senseā„¢

Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

If the in-vehicle computer includes a keyboard, you can perform some of the actions in Patroller using keyboard shortcuts.

What you should know:

  • You can only activate shortcut keys from the Patroller main window.
  • You can enter the shortcut modifier keys in any order. For example, you can enter Shift + Ctrl or Ctrl + Shift.
  • Shortcuts are not case-sensitive.
  • Depending on your Patroller deployment type, certain shortcuts might not be available.
Modifier keys Shortcut
F1 Open the user guide.
Left arrow key Cycle through previous reads.
Right arrow key Cycle through next reads.
Ctrl + S Suspend or resume reads.
Ctrl + G Quick access for reads and hits.
Ctrl + Shift + L Switch from review mode to live mode.
Ctrl + Shift + M Mute system notifications.
Ctrl + Shift + A Accept hit: Plate read matches plate image.
Ctrl + Shift + R Reject hit: Plate read does not match plate image.
Ctrl + Shift + E Enforce the hit.
Ctrl + Shift + N Do not enforce the hit.
Ctrl + Shift + S Switch camera side.