Requesting credential cards for airport badges - Genetec™ Airport Badging Solution 3.0

Genetec™ Airport Badging Solution Guide 3.0

Applies to
Genetec™ Airport Badging Solution 3.0
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Genetec™ Airport Badging Solution

To create a physical badge for an airport employee, you must first request a credential card to be assigned to their badge.

What you should know

A Security Center cardholder () entity is created when you request a credential card to be assigned to the badge. The default entity name of the cardholder is based on the applicant's name, employer, and badge type. The format of the entity name is "FirstName_LastName_CompanyName_BadgeType". For example, if John Doe who works for Air Canada is applying for a Blue badge , the cardholder entity created by the system would be given the name "John_Doe_Air Canada_Blue badge".


  1. From the Airport badging management task, select the applicant's name from the list of companies and employees.
    To search for an employee, click at the bottom of the list and use the Search dialog box.
  2. Click the Badges tab.
    Airport badging management: Badges page showing all three sections: Training, Access rights, Credentials
    In the Access rights section, the badges for which a credential card has been requested are flagged as Assigned. The Credentials section lists the credentials that have been requested.
  3. Under the Credentials section, click and then click New card request ().
  4. In the dialog box that opens, select the badge (Company and Badge type), set the credential expiration date, and click OK.
    Airport badging management: New credential card request dialog box
    NOTE: The Expiration date is pre-filled in accordance with US regulations (2 years after the reception of the last security check result). You can change to a closer date, for example, for a temporary work, but you get a warning if you push it further into the future.
    The following happens:
    • A new row is added to the Credentials section for the card request.
    • After a few seconds, a card request notification () is added to the notification tray.

      The number over the card request icon indicates how many pending card requests you have in the system. A new cardholder, named after the applicant's name, employer and badge type, is also created.

    • If this is the first card request for this applicant, the applicant's status changes to Card request pending in the employee list.
  5. At the bottom of the screen, click Manage cardholders.
    The Cardholder management task opens.
  6. In the Search field, enter the applicant's name and click Search ().
  7. In the cardholder list, select the badge applicant and click Modify ().
    The cardholder details window opens.
  8. Verify the cardholder information and add any missing information if necessary.
    This is the time to add the photo of the employee if it is required for the badge. The privileges assigned to this employee should be indicated in the Boolean custom fields. If a privilege is supposed to be printed on the badge, its corresponding image should appear in the image custom field. The following screen capture is an example. Your layout might look different depending on the custom fields you have and how you decided to group them.
    Cardholder management: Cardholder details window
    For more information on how to manage cardholders in Security Center, see About cardholders.