Streaming video from your mobile device to Security Center - Genetec Mobile

Genetecâ„¢ Mobile Getting Started Guide

Genetec Mobile
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

Using the Genetecâ„¢ Mobile app, you can stream video from a smartphone or other mobile device to Security Center. The video is watermarked and encrypted, which makes it admissable as evidence in a court of law. Also, your video is streamed live in the Security Desk Monitoring task so that the operators in your central office can see what you see.

Before you begin

Device camera streaming must be enabled on the Mobile Server.

What you should know

Your mobile device's video is recorded by Security Center Archiver. The video is not saved on your mobile device.


  1. From the Genetec Mobile app, tap ().
  2. Tap Stream ().
  3. Tap () to start recording.
    After the app connects to the Security Center Archiver, you see your video on the screen.

    In Security Desk, the entity that represents your mobile device turns white, and operators can watch your video in the Monitoring task.

  4. To stop streaming video, tap () and then tap Done.
    In Security Desk, the entity that represents your mobile device turns red to indicate that it is no longer sending video to Security Center.


Watch this video to learn more. Click the Captions icon (CC) to turn on video captions in one of the available languages.