Creating Honeywell Galaxy intrusion panel users from Security Center cardholder groups - Honeywell Galaxy intrusion panel 3.1

Honeywell Galaxy Intrusion Panel Extension Guide 3.1

Honeywell Galaxy intrusion panel
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

To push cardholder groups from Security Center to the Honeywell Galaxy intrusion panel, you must add the group in the extension and then push them to the panel.

Before you begin

What you should know

  • When a cardholder group is removed from the Honeywell Galaxy intrusion panel, all cardholder who were added to the panel as part of the group are removed. If a cardholder was added to the panel individually and then added to the group, they remain on the panel.
  • When a cardholder group is mapped to the Honeywell Galaxy intrusion panel, any cardholder groups that are nested under it are also mapped to the panel.
  • Cardholders in cardholder groups who do not have PIN credentials or who are deactivated are not added to the user mappings table.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Intrusion detection task.
  2. Expand the Intrusion Manager role from the entity browser, and select the intrusion detection unit you want to configure.
  3. Click the Users tab.
  4. In the Group mappings section, click Insert an item ().
  5. From the dialog box that opens, select a cardholder group, and then click OK.
    The cardholder groups is listed in the group mappings table.
  6. (Optional) Configure the following Honeywell-specific settings:
    Menu level
    Indicates the level of menu privileges granted to the cardholder group.
    Enables the cardholders' assigned duress codes.
    Enables Dual Code for the cardholders. Dual Code requires a second PIN to be entered within 60 seconds in order to access the system.
    Menu choice
    Gives the cardholders access to the full menu on the keypad. If this option is left unchecked, then the users have access to the quick menu.
    Group choice
    Enables cardholders who are in multiple groups to see, set and unset those groups.
    Panel groups
    Indicates which group or groups on the panel the users are part of.
  7. Select the Synchronize with user mappings option for the cardholders in the group to be automatically synchronized in the user mappings table.
  8. Click Apply.


All the cardholders in the cardholder group are added to the User mappings table, and are added to the panel. With the Synchronize with user mappings option enabled, when cardholders are added to or deleted from the cardholders group, they are automatically added to or deleted from the user mappings table. However, if a cardholder was added to the panel individually and then added to the group, they will remain on the panel.