Adding events to TCP devices - Industrial IoT | BACnet | Modbus | OPC Client | SNMP Manager

Industrial IoT Plugin Guide

Applies to
Industrial IoT | BACnet | Modbus | OPC Client | SNMP Manager
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Industrial IoT

Users can create events for TCP devices that do not hold a value, but are triggered every time their trigger condition is met.

What you should know

The Industrial IoT plugin role acts as the TCP server. It must be configured to identify data and events by evaluating the payload sent by the devices against regular expressions.
NOTE: To capture a value with a regular expression, a capture group (delimited by parentheses) must be present. The plugin role uses the value returned by the first capture group. If there is no capture group in the regular expression, no value is returned. For help with regular expression syntax, see the Regular Expression Cheat Sheet.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
  2. Select a TCP device.
  3. In the Events section, click Add an event ().
    The Add an event dialog box opens.
  4. Enter the event information:
    A name to identify the event.
    Regular expression
    Regular expression used to detect the presence of a particular event in the data message. No capture group is needed here.
  5. If the event has arguments, click Add an argument () and enter the following in the dialog box that opens:
    Dialog box for adding a TCP event argument.
    A name to identify the argument.
    Regular expression
    Regular expression used to capture the value of the argument in the data message.
    Value type
    The data type of the value captured by the regular expression. For more information, see Data types used by the SNMP plugin.
  6. Click Add to add another argument or click Add and Close.
  7. Click Add to add another event or click Add and Close.
    The event is displayed in the Events section.
  8. Click Apply.