Indicating state changes on maps with icons - Industrial IoT | BACnet | Modbus | OPC Client | SNMP Manager

Industrial IoT Plugin Guide

Applies to
Industrial IoT | BACnet | Modbus | OPC Client | SNMP Manager
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Industrial IoT

You can use different icons to represent the different states of devices and entities on maps, and configure rules to automatically change the state of a device or entity based on the value of one of its data point.

What you should know

  • All states (icon, name, description) are defined at the Industrial IoT plugin level.
  • A state applies to a device or entity only if it is added to the States list in its Properties page.
  • State (icon) changes are only displayed on maps. The entity browser and the area view only show the default icon associated to the device or entity.
  • A state can be activated by a rule with the Change the state action when the value of a data point changes.
  • When multiple states are activated by rules, the highest one in the list wins.
  • When no states are active, the icon of the device reverts to its default icon.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
  2. Select a device or entity from the entity browser and click the Properties tab.
  3. In the States section, click Add a state ().
    The Add states dialog box opens. The existing states are listed in the States library.
  4. If you do not see the state you want in the States library, define a new one:
    1. In the open dialog box, click Add a state ().
    2. Enter a name and description for the state.
    3. Beside the Icon field, click , and select an icon.
      NOTE: To apply a custom icon, click Browse in the Select icon dialog box, and select an icon from your local system.
    4. Click Save.
  5. Select the state (icon) you want and click Add.
    The selected state is added to the States list of the device or entity.
  6. If necessary, add more states to the device or entity.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Create rules based on a data changes to change the state of your device.


If you have a temperature sensor in a room, you can add alternative icons to indicate that a room is too hot (or too cold). When the data point on the sensor indicates that the room is too hot (or too cold), the rules you created will change the icon related to the sensor on maps.

After you finish

If applicable, link cameras to the device or entity.