You need to create a docker engine to host the driver containers.
Before you begin
Ensure you have access to the Docker certificate created by the
IS Gateway Installer and the password used to create it. The
certificate is found in the folder
C:/ProgramData/Docker/config/Certificates/ on the machine where
IS Gateway is installed. If the machine you are now
using does not have access to that folder, copy the
key.pfx file where it
can be accessed from this machine.
What you should know
In the context of
IS Gateway, a
container platform is called a docker engine. The process of creating an
instance of docker engine is called adding a docker engine. If your system has many
tracking systems, you can add many docker engines
to distribute the load.
For video instructions, see Configuring the Inter-System Gateway service.
To add a docker engine:
Log on to the IS Gateway web portal.
On the home page, click the Container () tab.
Click the button
besides the Container label, and then click Add docker engine.
In the Add docker engine window that opens, enter the following
- Label
- Label used to identify this docker engine instance in the list of containers on
the left.
- IP or Hostname
- Name or IP address of the server hosting this docker engine.
- TLS (HTTPS) communication
- Secure communication switch. This option is turned on by default. Only turn it off
if you are using an existing docker engine that is not installed by the IS Gateway Installer, and where TLS is not in use.
- Port
- Port for communicating with the Docker API on the server hosting the docker engine
(default = 2375 for HTTP, or 2376 for HTTPS).
If TLS is turned on, enter the Certificate password you provided
to the IS Gateway Installer.
Click and then click
Choose file.
In the browser window that opens, navigate to the location of the
key.pfx file, select it, and click
The key.pfx file is typically found in the
The browser window closes.
Click .
The new docker engine is added to the list with its status and the number of
driver containers running.
To remove a docker engine:
Click the button
besides a docker engine label, and then click Remove docker engine.