Assigning proper privileges to the account running the Inter-System Gateway service - Inter-System Gateway 1.1

Inter-System Gateway Configuration Guide 1.1

Inter-System Gateway
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

Before installing the IS Gateway service, ensure that the user account used to run the IS Gateway service has the Log on as a service privilege.

What you should know

Watch this one-minute video to learn how to assign the Log on as a service privilege to the Inter-System Gateway service account.


  1. On the server hosting the IS Gateway service, open the Local security policy desktop app.
    1. In the Windows taskbar, click and enter Local Security.
    2. In the search result, click Local Security Policy > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment.
  2. In the right pane of the Local Security Policy dialog box, right-click Log on as a service and click Properties.
    Local Security Policy dialog box with 'Local Policies > User Rights Assignment > Log on as a service' selected.
  3. In the Log on as a service Properties dialog box, click Add User or Group.
    Log on as a service Properties dialog box.
  4. In the dialog box that opens, enter the local administrator account name, click Check names, select the name you want, and then click OK.
    Log on as a service Properties dialog box.
  5. Click Apply > OK.