Configuring the Inter-System Gateway service - Inter-System Gateway 1.1

Inter-System Gateway Configuration Guide 1.1

Inter-System Gateway
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

The IS Gateway service is fully configured after installation. But you can change its settings at any time.

What you should know

Watch this 3-minute video to learn how to configure the Inter-System Gateway service.


  1. Log on to the IS Gateway web portal.
  2. On the home page, click the Configuration () tab.
  3. In the Gateway REST API Configuration section, configure the following.
    IS Gateway web portal - Gateway REST API Configuration section.
    Listening port
    Web connection listening port (default = 4242).
    User authorized to log on to the IS Gateway web portal.
    Password of the user authorized to log on to the IS Gateway web portal.
  4. In the Inter-System Gateway Outputs section, verify that the RMQ Server is running and in the Ready status (green LED).
    IS Gateway web portal - Inter-System Gateway Outputs section.
  5. Click Add () and configure the following:
    Name or IP address of the server hosting the RabbitMQ Server.
    Communication port used by RabbitMQ Server (default = 5671).
    User authorized to connect to RabbitMQ.
    Password of the user authorized to connect to RabbitMQ.
    Configure a Vhost for the RabbitMQ configuration to segregate the RabbitMQ traffic. The default value for this field is /.
    Import Certificate
    Add a certificate to authenticate the RabbitMQ connection.
    Do not send all containers data
    Turn on this option and define a list of containers that can send data on this specific RabbitMQ instance.
    NOTE: You can now configure multiple RabbitMQ connections to add failover capabilities to your system. If one RabbitMQ connection fails, the next one on the list takes over. For more information on RabbitMQ virtual hosts, refer to
    IS Gateway web portal - Add/Edit RMQ Endpoint dialog box.
  6. If you turned on the Do not send all containers data option, add the list of containers that can send data on this specific RabbitMQ instance.
    To add a container:
    1. Click Add () and select the containers that you need.
      IS Gateway web portal - Select a container dialog box.
    2. Click OK.
  7. In the Docker registry section, configure the connection to the Genetecâ„¢ Container Image List Provider.
    IS Gateway web portal - Docker registry section.
    Use local registry
    Turn on this option if the server hosting the IS Gateway service does not have Internet access. For more information, see Setting up a local container registry.
    Use Genetecâ„¢ production token
    Turn on this option to connect to the production image library provided by Genetec Inc.

    If you are using your system for development purposes, enter the User and Token provided by Genetec Inc. for you to connect to the development library.

  8. If you want to integrate with Google Maps, enter an API key in the Google Maps section.
  9. Click Save to save your changes, or Discard to discard your changes.

After you finish

Add a docker engine.