[KBA-79173] Doors unlocked through double-badge activation do not relock - This KBA explains what you must do if you unlocked a door through double-badge activation, but the door does not relock when you double-badge again. - Synergis Softwire 11.4.3 | Synergis Cloud Link 3.0.1

Synergis Softwire
Internal reference number
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KB articles
Last updated

[KBA-79173] Doors unlocked through double-badge activation do not relock

If you unlocked a door through double-badge activation, when you double-badge again to relock the door, the door does not relock.

Applies to

Mercury controller integration in Synergis™ Softwire 11.4.3 and Synergis™ Cloud Link 3.0.1

NOTE: It is highly recommended to not upgrade to Synergis Softwire 11.4.3 or to Synergis Cloud Link 3.0.1 if you are using the double-badge activation feature.


A code defect.


Lock the door with the Temporary override schedule option:
  1. From the Security Desk homepage, open the Monitoring task.
  2. From the entity tree, right-click the door, and then click Door > Override unlock schedules.
  3. In the Override unlock schedules dialog box that opens, select Temporary override schedule, and configure the door to lock For 5 minutes.
  4. Click OK.
  5. If a dialog box opens asking you if you wish to continue, click OK.

    The door appears locked in the Door widget.

  6. Confirm that the physical door is locked.
  7. From the entity tree, right-click the door, and then click Door > Cancel override.
  8. If a dialog box opens asking you if you wish to continue, click OK.


This issue is resolved in Synergis Softwire 11.5.0 and Synergis Cloud Link 3.0.2.
NOTE: If you cannot wait for these versions to be released, and you require an immediate fix, contact the Genetec™ Technical Assistance Center.