[KBA-79184] Mercury MR52 firmware upgrades fail
Pushing an upgrade to a Mercury MR52 panel fails. The panel remains with the same firmware.
Applies to
Mercury integration with Synergis™ Softwire
A coding issue.
Do one of the following:
Move the Mercury LP controller and the MR52 panel under
a different Synergis™ Cloud Link unit, and then try upgrading
again.IMPORTANT: Ensure that the new Synergis Cloud Link unit does not have any doors mapped to it.
- Move the MR52 panel under a different Synergis Cloud Link unit that already
has a Mercury LP controller enrolled, and then try upgrading again.IMPORTANT: Ensure that the new Synergis Cloud Link unit does not have any doors mapped to it.
- Contact the Genetec™ Technical Assistance Center for assistance.
The issue is resolved by upgrading the LP controller firmware to 2.1.0. For information regarding the upgrade procedure, please see Information for upgrading Mercury LP controllers from firmware 1.x.x to 2.x.x