Configuring floor security levels in the KONE Destination Dispatchplugin - KONE Destination Dispatch 3.0

KONE Destination Dispatch Plugin Guide 3.0.0

KONE Destination Dispatch
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Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

To secure floors and landings, and to configure which destinations are available from certain sources, you must set access levels in the Elevator security levels task in Security Center.

Before you begin

What you should know

  • A secured floor marking is accessible only to authorized cardholders. An unsecured floor marking can be accessed by all.
  • The Elevator security levels task is available in both Config Tool and Security Desk.

    The KONESecurity Levels icon.


  1. From the home page in Config Tool or Security Desk, open the Elevator security levels task.
  2. From the entity browser, select the destination group or floor landings that you want to configure.
  3. From the Default access options, select Inherits, Secured, or Unsecured.
    IMPORTANT: It is recommended that you set default access to floors to Secured for both floor and car kiosks, as you can use overrides and schedules to unsecure the floor at specific times. Default access to a floor should only be set to Unsecured when it is intended for the floor to be unsecured at all times, as it is not possible to secure a floor using access control schedules or overrides.
  4. In the Access schedules section, click Add ().
    The Access level window opens.
  5. Configure the settings in the Access levels window:
    Enter a name for this access level.
    Select the kiosk from which the rule is applied. You can also set the source to Any, which will set the rule for all kiosks.
    Select the schedule to determine when this rule is inactive.
    Select Unsecured to provide open access during the scheduled time.

    Adding access levels.
    NOTE: An access rule specified for a specific kiosk is given priority over a rule specified for Any kiosk. If specific kiosks and any kiosks are the same, priority is given to a secured schedule over an unsecured schedule.
  6. Click OK.
  7. (Optional) Repeat steps 2 to 6 to add more rules to the floor or landing.
    NOTE: You can have multiple rules active at the same time. For example, an unsecured Always rule and a secured Only during Weekdays rule. When rules overlap, schedule conflict rules apply. For more on schedule conflicts, see About schedules.
  8. Configure manual overrides.
    NOTE: The override with the shortest time frame is given priority over other overrides. If the time frames of overrides match, a secured overrider takes priority over an unsecured override.
  9. Click Apply.