Connecting the Key Systems Security Asset Manager plugin to a remote proxy - Key Systems Security Asset Manager 3.0.0

Key Systems Security Asset Manager Plugin Guide 3.0.0

Key Systems Security Asset Manager
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

To connect the Key Systems Security Asset Manager plugin to a cabinet that is on different network than Security Center, you must connect the plugin to a remote proxy.

Before you begin

  • Install a remote proxy on the server that hosts the cabinets.
  • Ensure you have a valid proxy certificate. A valid certificate is required on the server for the proxy to start.
  • Tip: Make sure you have access to Config Tool and the server hosting your Key Systems Security Asset Manager cabinets, as this task requires access to both.


  1. Configure a certificate for the remote proxy.
  2. On the remote server, open Windows Services and verify that the Key Systems Proxy service is running.
    Windows services app indicating that the Key Systems proxy is running
  3. On the Security Center server, configure the listening port for the proxy:
    1. From the Config Tool homepage on your Security Center server, open the Plugins task.
    2. Select the Key Systems plugin role from the entity browser.
    3. Click the Properties tab.
    4. Enter a listening port for the proxy.
      The default port is 8900.
    Properties page of the Key Systems Security Asset Manager plugin for Security Center
  4. Export a self-signed certificate from the Security Center server to the server hosting the remote proxy:
    1. Click Export certificate.
    2. Save the certificate, then export it to the remote server on the same network as the cabinets.
    3. Install the certificate under Local computer > Trusted Root Certification Authorities on the remote server.
      For information on how to install the certificate, see the Microsoft article "Installing the trusted root certificate".
    NOTE: One valid certificate is required on the server for the proxy to start, and another is required for the proxy to connect to the plugin.
  5. Add a remote proxy to the plugin:
    1. On the Security Center server, right-click the plugin role and select Add an entity > Key Systems proxy.
      The Add Key Systems proxy dialog box opens.

      Dialog box to add Key Systems proxy in the Key Systems Security Asset Manager plugin for Security Center

    2. Enter the following:
      Enter a name for the proxy.
      Enter a description of the proxy.
      Select Remote.
    3. Click Save.
      The remote proxy is displayed in the entity browser, nested under the plugin role.
  6. Generate an authentication key.
    1. Click the remote proxy in the entity browser.
    2. Click the Properties tab.
    3. In the Authentication key field, click Generate new.
      The authentication key is copied to clipboard.
  7. On the remote server, configure the remote proxy.
    1. Open a browser to https://localhost:8901.
      The Key Systems proxy web page opens.

      Config page for a remote proxy for the Key Systems Security Asset Manager plugin for Security Center

    2. Enter the following:
      Server address
      Enter the hostname or IP address of the plugin.
      Enter the listening port used by the plugin to communicate with the proxy. By default, this is 8900.
      Authentication key
      Paste the authentication key that was copied to the clipboard.
    3. Click Apply.


On the proxy web page of the remote server, it says that the systems are connected. In Config Tool, the remote proxy shows as online.

Key Systems remote proxy web page indicating that the plugin is connected.

After you finish

Add your cabinets.