About the KiwiVision™ Privacy Protector™ module - KiwiVision™ 4.6.1 | Security Center

KiwiVision™ User Guide for Security Center

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In Security Center, privacy protection is software that anonymizes or masks parts of a video stream where movement is detected. The identity of individuals or moving objects is protected, without obscuring movements and actions or preventing monitoring.

With the KiwiVision™ Privacy Protector™ module, you can ensure the privacy of individuals recorded by video surveillance cameras while safeguarding potential evidence.

Privacy protection can be applied in two ways:
  • Continuously on cameras
    IMPORTANT: Privacy protection is only supported with native cameras. Privacy protection cannot be enabled on cameras where recording is performed by a DVR or on the video unit.
  • On exported video files

Privacy Protector™ role

The Privacy Protector™ role requests original video streams from Archiver roles and applies data anonymization to the original video streams. The privacy-protected (anonymized) video stream is then sent back to the Archiver role for recording.

The Privacy Protector™ role can distribute its workload over multiple servers. This should not be confused with failover, where only one server bears the full load of the role at all times. If one of the assigned servers fails, and the remaining servers cannot handle their increased load, the resulting streams will have dropped frames.

Privacy protection and video streaming

When privacy protection is enabled on a camera, two video streams are generated:

Private stream
The private stream, also known as the confidential stream, is the original video stream from the video unit where the video content is not anonymized or masked.
IMPORTANT: The private stream can only be viewed if the user explicitly requests it and has the Remove privacy protection privilege.
Public stream
The public stream contains privacy-protected content with video anonymization applied. This ensures that all regular access to video will always access the anonymized video.

Using backward compatibility, an older Security Center system (5.6 and earlier) federating a privacy-protected camera can only view the anonymized stream.

NOTE: When you export video, the stream displayed in the tile is used. If you request to remove privacy protection, the confidential video is exported.

Privacy protection and exported video

To protect privacy during an investigation, anonymized video can be exported from Security Desk. If privacy protection is enabled on the required cameras, the public stream is exported by default. Users with the Remove privacy protection privilege must request the private stream to export the video without anonymization.

If any of the required cameras do not have privacy protection enabled, protection can be applied during the export process. When selected from the Export settings in Security Desk, pixelation is applied to motion in the exported video using default settings. With this option, sensitive video can be anonymized for an investigation, without requiring continuous privacy protection. For more information on exporting video in Security Desk, see Exporting video in G64x format.

Other considerations

  • The Auxiliary Archiver only records the public (anonymized) streams. Only the Archiver records the private (confidential) streams.
  • If you activate encryption on the camera, only the private stream is encrypted.

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