Configuring the KiwiVision™ Manager role database for distributed KiwiVision™ Analyzer roles - KiwiVision 4.6.1 | Security Center

KiwiVision™ User Guide for Security Center

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Guides > User guides
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In a multi-server setup, you must make sure that the KiwiVision™ Manager database can be accessed by the KiwiVision™ Analyzer roles so that the analytics-related events are saved. To do this, you must configure SQL Server on the main server, and configure a user for the Genetec™ Server service on the expansion server.

Before you begin

What you should know

To create KiwiVision™ Analyzer roles on different expansion servers, these roles must access the KiwiVision™ Manager database using TCP/IP.


  1. On the main server, start and configure SQL Server Browser in Network Service mode:
    1. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager.
    2. From the side menu, under SQL Server Configuration Manager (Local), click SQL Server Services.
    3. Right-click SQL Server Browser, and select Start.
    4. Right-click SQL Server Browser, and select Properties.
      The SQL Server Browser Properties dialog box opens.
    5. On the Log On page, select Network Service as the Built-in account, and then click Apply > OK.
  2. On the main server, enable TCP/IP Connections for the SQL server:
    1. In SQL Server Configuration Manager, under SQL Server Configuration Manager (Local), expand SQL Native Client x.y Configuration (32bit), and then click Client Protocols.
    2. Right-click TCP/IP, and select Enable.
    3. From the side menu, expand SQL Server Network Configuration, and then click name of the database.
    4. Right-click TCP/IP, and select Enable.
    5. For changes to take effect, from the side menu, click SQL Server Services, right-click SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS), and select Restart.
  3. On the expansion server, configure the user access for the Genetec™ Server service:
    1. On the expansion server, open Services.
    2. Right click the Genetec™ Server service, and select Properties.
      The Genetec™ Server Properties (Local Computer) dialog box opens.
    3. Click the Log On tab.
    4. Select This account and enter a user who has access to the database of the main server.
      This can be a service account of the domain or a local user that is available on both machines.
      Tip: Use the Browse button to search for the user.
    1. Click Apply > OK, and then restart the Genetec™ Server service.
  4. On the main server, define the location of the database server in Security Center:
    1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
    2. Select the KiwiVision™ Manager role from the entity browser.
    3. Click the Resources tab, and change the Database server from ".\SQLEXPRESS" to "[IP or name of your main server]\SQLEXPRESS".
      NOTE: The default “.” entry does not work for the expansion server. The default “(local)” entry works if the database of the KiwiVision™ Manager role and the KiwiVision™ Manager role are on the same machine. If this is the case, when you set the Database server to "(local)", it is internally replaced by the IP address of the KiwiVision™ Manager role, but is still displayed as "(local)" in Config Tool.
    4. Click Apply.


The database connection warning goes away and the KiwiVision™ Analyzer role is no longer yellow. The KiwiVision™ Manager role is now configured and available for use.