Configuring the area for the Perimeter protection scenario - KiwiVision 4.6.1 | Security Center

KiwiVision™ User Guide for Security Center

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You can define an area with multiple regions so that events are only triggered when people are detected moving from the source region to the alarm region.

What you should know

Unlike in the Area protection and Direction control scenarios, areas in Perimeter protection scenarios consist of at least one Source region, a transport region, and at least one Alarm region, instead of only an Alarm region. To trigger an alert, people must be detected passing through all three regions in the following order:
Source region
This region is green, and defines the entry point of a person into the area.
Transport region
This region is light yellow, and connects the Source region to the Alarm region.
Alarm region
This region is red, and defines the section of the area from which an alert is triggered when a person enters the region after passing through the source and transport regions.
NOTE: You can also define these area regions in the Custom Intrusion Detector scenario.

You can enable the Show movement grid option to visualize the sensitivity of your configuration. This option displays the analysis blocks that make up an area in different colors, to show when they are active, and when the velocity, path deviation, and travel distance is properly detected.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Video task.
  2. From the area view, select a camera that you applied an analytics scenario to.
  3. Click Video analytics > Security monitoring, and then click the scenario you want to configure.
  4. Click the Areas tab.
  5. Define the alarm region and the source region:
    1. Click and drag a region to move it to the location in the scene that you require.
    2. Click and drag the white dots to adjust shape and size of the region.
    3. (Optional) Use the toolbar () to perform the following:
      • Add areas ()
      • Add additional source regions () or alarm regions ()
      • Remove the selected region, or the selected point ()
        NOTE: When an area or point is selected, it is yellow.
  6. In the Area name field, rename the selected area.
  7. In the Tracking section, configure the following settings:
    Min. speed
    The minimum speed at which an object or person must travel to trigger an alert.
    NOTE: The velocity estimation is based on the configured perspective and depends on the accuracy of the configuration.
    Max. speed
    The maximum speed at which an object or person must travel to trigger an alert. When this maximum speed is exceeded, no alert is triggered. This option can be used to ignore fast moving objects, such as trains.
    Min travel distance
    The minimum distance that an object or person must travel to trigger an alert. Increasing this value can help minimize false alerts on small movement, such as trees moving in the wind.
    NOTE: The distance is estimated based on the configured perspective, which might result in inaccuracies.
  8. In the Alert section, configure the following settings:
    Min. time between alerts
    The minimum period between alerts that can be triggered for an area. Using a low value ensures that multiple alerts that are part of a single real-life event are captured. Using a high value might suppress valid alerts that occur quickly after one another.
    Alert activation time
    The period for which a detection must remain in an alarm region before it can trigger an alert. Using a high value filters out camera noise, but might result in missed alerts.
    Min. detection size
    Specifies how much of the detected object has to be active in the alarm region to trigger an alert. Using a low value might cause small motion patterns, such as animals to be detected. Using a high value can result in missed detections of people or objects.
    Detect all active blocks
    When this option is selected, active blocks anywhere in the defined area can trigger alerts.
    Detect only connected blocks
    When this option is selected, only active blocks that are adjacent to each other can trigger alerts. This option minimizes false alerts caused by scattered movement, such as camera noise.
  9. Click Apply.