Enabling GPU support on the KiwiVision™ Analyzer role - KiwiVision™ 4.6.1 | Security Center

KiwiVision™ User Guide for Security Center

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Guides > User guides
Last updated

Before people counting analytics can run on GPU, you must ensure that GPU support is enabled on the KiwiVision™ Analyzer role and install the KiwiVision™ Analyzer GPU Pack from GTAP.

What you should know

  • Running people counting analytics on GPU helps reduce CPU usage.
  • GPU support is only available for the Tailgating detection and People counting scenarios.
  • GPU support is enabled on KiwiVision™ Analyzer roles by default, but a warning is displayed until the GPU Pack is installed.
  • A video card with CUDA compute capability 6.0 (Nvidia Pascal) to 8.0 (Nvidia Ampere) is required.
  • The latest official graphics card driver from Nvidia must be installed.
  • A minimum of 4GB of video memory is required.
  • On each server hosting a KiwiVision™ Analyzer role that you want to support GPU, you must install the KiwiVision™ Analyzer GPU Pack that corresponds to your version of the KiwiVision™ video analytics plugin.
  • In the properties of each KiwiVision™ Analyzer role that you want to support GPU, you must enable GPU support.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
  2. From the entity browser, select the KiwiVision™ Analyzer role, and then click the Properties tab.
  3. Turn on the Enable GPU support option.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the KiwiVision™ Analyzer GPU Pack from the GTAP Product Download page.