Best practices for object detection analytics - KiwiVision™ 4.7.1 | Security Center

KiwiVision™ User Guide for Security Center

Applies to
KiwiVision™ 4.7.1 | Security Center
Last updated
Content type
Guides > User guides

How and where you set up your cameras affect video analytics performance. An optimal camera setup can minimize false alerts.

Keep in mind the following best practices while setting up your cameras for object detection analytics:
  • Ensure that the camera is securely fixed to eliminate shaking.
  • Ensure that the image quality is sufficient. The image should not be blurry (out of focus) or noisy.
  • Ensure that no objects are constantly moving in the area of interest, such as trees, bushes, flags, and so on.
  • Mount IR illuminators at least 0.5 m from the camera instead of directly below the camera to avoid attracting insects, which can generate false movement detection.
  • Recommended framerate for object detection analytics is 5 FPS for detecting stationary objects. For the detection of moving objects, at least >10 FPS is recommended depending on the typical speed of the target objects.
  • Recommended resolution for object detection analytics is VGA (640x480) for general scenes. In case the detection of far or small objects is needed, 720p or 1080p resolution may be more ideal. Using too high-resolution input streams entails significantly higher performance requirements.