Refer to the following examples for log messages from each phase of the program flow.
Initialization phase
During the initialization phase, parameters with the standard settings are initialized.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): initializing Privacy Protector...
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Setting default value: Frames needed to learn new background = 5000. Frames needed to learn new background in learning phase = 5000
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Setting default value: scramblingThreshold = 22
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Setting default value: Color preset = R 0, G 0, B 0. Red channel oscillation = 0
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Setting default value: Scrambling method = 0
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): ...initialization complete.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): PrivacyProtectorAnalyzer Do initial configuration:
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Configuration changed! Scrambling threshold set to 20.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Configuration changed! Scrambling method set to 0.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Configuration changed! Color set to R: 0, G: 0, B: 0.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Configuration changed! Oscillating red-shift set to 5.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Configuration changed! Number of frames for learning background in normal mode set to 5000 frames.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Configuration changed! Number of frames for learning background in learning phase set to 1500 frames.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Frame rate changed! Number of frames for learning background in normal mode set to 3960 frames.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Frame rate changed! Number of frames for learning background in learning phase set to 1188 frames.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Configuration changed! Regions are not visualized in the output stream.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): PrivacyProtectorAnalyzer Initial configuration finished.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): PrivacyProtectorAnalyzer: Initializing on first frame.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Starting initial learning phase lasting for 1188 Frames.
15:49:03.444 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Frame rate changed! Number of frames for learning background in learning phase set to 514 frames.
15:49:03.444 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Frame rate changed! Number of frames for learning background in normal mode set to 1714 frames.
Learning phase
After setting the configuration, video images are forwarded to Privacy Protector™ to learn the background.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Starting initial learning phase lasting for 1188 Frames.
15:49:45.262 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Initial learning phase finished.
Operating phase
After learning the background, the regular operation begins.
No log messages are written during normal operation.
If the Privacy Protector™ configuration changes during the operation phase, log messages are written to show these updates. Configuration changes include regions that are added or cleared.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Configuration changed! Scrambling threshold set to 20.
Configuration changes include zones that are added or cleared:
16:25:27.537 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): All BackgroundRegions have been cleared!
16:25:27.537 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): All ForegroundRegions have been cleared!
16:25:27.537 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): A ForegroundRegion has been added!
Shutdown phase
A shutdown is logged.
15:50:25.929 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Shutting down.