About the KiwiVision Security video analytics module - KiwiVision 4.8.0 | Security Center

KiwiVision™ User Guide for Security Center

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Guides > User guides
Last updated

The KiwiVision™ Security video analytics module adds analytics capabilities for security monitoring to Security Center, based on common scenarios.

With the KiwiVision Security video analytics module, there are six predefined video analytics scenarios designed for common use cases. Another scenario is also available if you have the license to run the Restricted Security Area Surveillance (RSA Surveillance) plugin. You can use these scenarios as starting points for your analytics configurations to help you configure your system faster.

If none of the predefined scenarios meet your needs, you can start from one of the custom scenarios, which have all the predefined scenario settings and more.

How video analytics scenarios are categorized

The module categorizes video analytics scenarios by the type of analytics algorithm that powers them:
Intrusion detection analytics (circled in red)
  • Area protection
  • Perimeter protection
  • Positional tracking1
  • Direction control
  • Custom Intrusion Detector
Object detection analytics (circled in yellow)
  • Object detection
  • Stopped vehicle detection
  • Custom Object Detector
People counting analytics (circled in blue)
  • Tailgating detection
  • Custom scenarios are not available for people counting analytics.

1 Positional tracking is a special scenario designed to integrate your camera as a short-range sensor for intrusion detection and tracking. This scenario is only available if you have the license to run the RSA Surveillance plugin (GSC-GAP-RSA-1VAS or GSC-GAP-RSA-1SRS). For more information, see What is the RSA Surveillance plugin?.

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