Limitations in KiwiVision for Security Center - KiwiVision 4.8.0 | Security Center

KiwiVision™ User Guide for Security Center

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Guides > User guides
Last updated

KiwiVision™ for Security Center includes the following known limitations.

Affected module Issue First reported in Description
Camera Integrity Monitor 2483637 Security Center Events fail to include thumbnails in the Camera Integrity Monitor widget because the Archiver role is unable to provide them.
Workaround: Click the thumbnail placeholder to reload the thumbnail.
Camera Integrity Monitor 2426299 Security Center The reference image is not displayed for federated events in the Camera Integrity Monitor widget.
Camera Integrity Monitor 2426297 Security Center The Reset button does not work for federated events in the Camera Integrity Monitor widget.
Camera Integrity Monitor 1922952 Security Center 5.8 GA Camera integrity monitoring only starts at the next camera check interval after the Camera Integrity Monitor role configuration changes.
Privacy Protector 2020516 Security Center 5.8 GA Cameras are forced into a learning phase that blurs the entire image. This occurs when video recording quality is boosted and privacy protection is enabled.
Privacy Protector 1952891 Security Center 5.8 GA Selecting Configure entity for the Camera Integrity Monitor or Privacy Protector from the entity browser in a report task, takes you to System > Roles instead of Video > Modules.
Privacy Protector 1919141 Security Center 5.8 GA Zones fail to adapt to the new field of view when rotating video after privacy protection exclusion zones are defined for the related camera.
Privacy Protector 1796269 Security Center 5.8 GA Live streams from a camera are not encrypted when privacy protection is enabled. This occurs despite the camera connecting to an Archiver that is set to encrypt in transit.
Privacy Protector 1706499 Security Center 5.7 SR2 Video becomes blurred and PTZ controls stop working in the Monitoring task when privacy protection is enabled and PTZ controls are in use.
Workaround: Disable privacy protection.
Privacy Protector 1700125 Security Center 5.7 SR2 The Startup learning period set on a camera's Privacy protection page does not match the actual time spent analyzing the video to learn the background.
Workaround: Increase the value of the Startup learning period to compensate for the discrepancy.
Privacy Protector 1244216 Security Center 5.7 SR1 When privacy protection is disabled, users are unable to view the original non-blurred video. If you re-enable privacy protection, the original non-blurred video is available.
Privacy Protector 1126582 Security Center 5.7 SR1 If the privacy protection license is exceeded, the video tile displays a message indicating that there are not enough licenses. If you then remove privacy protection, the original video stream is not displayed.
Privacy Protector 1029592 Security Center 5.7 SR1 The recording in the timeline and the recording state displayed in Security Desk indicates the state of the original stream when privacy protection is enabled. This occurs even if the privacy-protected stream is shown.
Privacy Protector 1029576 Security Center 5.7 SR1 When a camera that is configured to be encrypted uses privacy protection, the original stream is encrypted but the privacy-protected stream (the blurred one) is not encrypted.
Privacy Protector™ 2132405 Security Center 5.8 GA Unable to dewarp playback video when privacy protection is enabled for fisheye cameras.
Security video analytics 3336844 Security Center When camera blocking or encryption is active, triggered camera events display video to users with an insufficient user level or invalid encryption certificate.
Security video analytics 2542485 Security Center

(plugin 4.4.0)

After an Object detected event is triggered, the Object removed event cannot be triggered if the object is removed while the Custom Object Detector scenario is being moved to a different KiwiVision Analyzer role.
Workaround: Lock the scenario using manual load balancing and move it only when nothing is being detected.
  • Security video analytics
  • People Counter
2902743 Security Center

(plugin 4.6.0)

When the crowd count exceeds maximum capacity, the tooltip for the crowd estimation Charts widget indicates that a crowd is at 100%.
  • Security video analytics
  • People Counter
2550769 Security Center

(plugin 4.4.0)

Video analytics overlays for people counting and tailgating scenarios have a delay of approximately 1 second in Security Desk when processed using GPU.
  • Security video analytics
  • People Counter
2230930 Security Center

(plugin 4.2 GA)

Past analytics events listed in the report pane of the Monitoring task do not have snapshots.
Workaround: To see the snapshots of past analytics events, generate a report from the Security video analytics task.
  • Security video analytics
  • People Counter
2212199 Security Center

(plugin 4.3.0)

Video analytics scenarios can be applied to body-wearable cameras in Config Tool, even if no live video is received from the camera.
  • Security video analytics
  • People Counter
2140741 Security Center

(plugin 4.2 GA)

Overlays for KiwiVision™ video analytics are not displayed for federated cameras in Security Desk.
  • Security video analytics
  • People Counter
2030344 Security Center 5.7 SR5

(plugin 4.1 GA)

In Config Tool, messages regarding the KiwiVision Manager and KiwiVision Analyzer roles are displayed in the system language instead of the language set for Security Center.
  • Security video analytics
  • People Counter
2024739 Security Center 5.7 SR5

(plugin 4.1 GA)

If your Security Center license includes license parts for a newer version of KiwiVision™ video analytics than the version you have installed, any new features enabled by the license parts are not available.
Workaround: Ensure that you install the version of KiwiVision™ video analytics that the license parts apply to.
  • Security video analytics
  • People Counter
1799880 Security Center 5.7 SR3

(plugin 4.0 GA)

Event snapshots are not saved for a camera with privacy protection enabled. This ensures that unpixelated snapshots are not shown.
  • Security video analytics
  • People Counter
1008244 Security Center 5.7 SR2

(plugin 3.1)

The lifespan of the static area overlay is 2 minutes, starting from the last time an Analyzer role used it. This occurs when an analytic is not dispatched or the KiwiVision™ video analytics roles are deleted without a proper shutdown.
  • Security video analytics
  • People Counter
982967 Security Center 5.7 SR3

(plugin 4.0 GA)

On the Perspective and Areas pages in Config Tool, KiwiVision™ video analytics annotations are not redrawn until a new video frame is received. This can cause the user interface to update slowly if the video frame rate is low.