Contextual menu commands available for OnGuard entities - OnGuard 5.1.3

Lenel OnGuard Plugin Guide 5.1.3

Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

Entities related to the OnGuard plugin have contextual commands that can be executed when you right-click on the entity in Config Tool, or when you are monitoring the entity in a Security Desk tile.

The following table lists the contextual menu commands available.
IMPORTANT: Contextual menu commands are only available to users with the appropriate privileges. The OnGuard contextual actions privileges can be configured on the Privileges tab of the User management task in Config Tool.
Contextual menu command Entity Description
Alarms Plugin role
  • Refresh the state of alarms configured on OnGuard devices that are currently active.
  • Add or remove alarm recipients.
Set controller clock Intrusion detection units and access control panels Sends the current time to the unit or panel.
Download database Intrusion detection units and access control panels Sends a command to the unit or panel to download the cardholder database.
Download firmware Intrusion detection units and access control panels Sends a download firmware command to the unit or panel.
Reset use limit Intrusion detection units and access control panels Sends a command to reset the use limit of all cardholders on the unit or panel.
Connect (used for dial-up only) Intrusion detection units and access control panels This command instructs the host to connect to the panel using dial-up.
Disconnect (used for dial-up only) Intrusion detection units and access control panels Used for dial-up only. This command instructs the host to send a disconnect command to the unit or panel.
Open door1 Door/Reader Sends a command to open the door for a specific door/reader.
Reader access modes Door/Reader Sends a command to set the current operating mode of a door/reader.
Reader biometric verify mode Door/Reader Sends a command to enable / disable the biometric mode of verification for a reader.
Reader first card unlock mode Door/Reader Sends a command to enable/disable first card unlock mode for the door/reader.
Download firmware Door/Reader Sends a download firmware command to the reader interface module.
Open door Door (Intrusion door) Sends a command to open the intrusion door.
Door mode Door (Intrusion door) Sends a command to change the door mode.
Arm Intrusion Area Sends a command to arm the area.
Disarm Intrusion Area Sends a command to disarm the area.
Silence Alarms Intrusion Area Sends a command to silence area alarms.
Mask Input Mask all inputs at the same time, alarm inputs, or the AUX1 or AUX2 inputs individually. Masking other individual inputs is not supported.
Unmask Input Unmask all inputs at the same time, alarm inputs, or the AUX1 or AUX2 inputs individually. Unmasking other individual inputs is not supported.
Bypass Input Sends a command to enable bypass for the alarm zone.
Unbypass Input Sends a command to disable bypass for the alarm zone.
Pulse Output Sends a command to activate inputs for a specific time.
Activate Output Sends a command to activate the relay outputs or reader auxiliary outputs. Reader auxiliary outputs can be activated individually or simultaneously.
Deactivate Output Sends a command to deactivate the relay outputs or reader auxiliary outputs. Reader auxiliary outputs can be activated individually or simultaneously.
Pulse Output Sends a command to activate outputs for a specific time.
Acknowledge alarms
  • Intrusion detection units and access control panel
  • Door/reader
  • Door (Intrusion door)
  • Intrusion area
  • Input
  • Output
Sends a command to acknowledge all active alarms for the selected entity.
Deactivate cardholder Cardholders Sends a command to deactivate the cardholder credential in the OnGuard system.
1Sending an OpenDoor command from Security Center to the OpenAccess API returns an Open Door Command event only after the door is relocked.