Enabling failover on the plugin role - OnGuard 5.1.3

Lenel OnGuard Plugin Guide 5.1.3

Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

To improve the availability of your plugin role, you can add a secondary server on standby. If the primary server hosting the role becomes unavailable, the role is automatically transferred to the secondary server.

Before you begin

What you should know

For more information, see Role failover.
IMPORTANT: Security Center does not handle the failover of role databases. For roles that connect to a database, the database server must be hosted on a third computer, separate from the servers hosting the role. All role servers must have read and write access to the database server. To protect your data, perform regular backups of the role database.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Plugins task.
  2. From the entity browser, select the OnGuard plugin role and click the Resources tab.
  3. Under the Servers list, click Add an item ().
    A dialog box opens, listing all remaining servers on your system that are not yet assigned to this role.
  4. Select the server that you want to add as a secondary server and click Add.
    The secondary server is added below the primary server. The green LED indicates which server is hosting the role.
    NOTE: The servers are listed in the order that they are picked if a failover occurs. When the primary server fails, the role automatically switches to the next server on the list.
  5. To change the priority of a server, select it from the list, and click the or buttons to move it up or down the list.
  6. If you want the primary server to retake control after it is restored from a failover, select the Force execution on highest priority server option.
    To minimize system disruption, the role remains on the secondary server after a failover occurs, by default.
  7. Ensure that the role is not connected to a database on the local machine.
    You can determine that the database server is local to your machine if the name of the Database server starts with "(local)". If it does, rename the database server to match the remote server you prepared in advance for your plugin role.
    1. Back up your plugin role database and restore it on a server that is not hosting your plugin role.
    2. Enable remote access to the plugin role database that you restored.
    3. Change the Database server to the server hosting your plugin role database.
  8. Click Apply.

After you finish

If your parsers are deployed remotely, configure a proxy server to redirect traffic to the standby server.