Adding an MCE floor marking - MCE Sentry Destination Dispatch 3.0.0

MCE Sentry Destination Dispatch Plugin Guide 3.0.0

MCE Sentry Destination Dispatch
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

To represent each landing of your building that is serviced by an MCE Sentry elevator, you must create an MCE floor marking.

What you should know

  • You can create one MCE floor marking per landing.
  • If an elevator has front and rear doors, you must create an MCE floor marking for each side.
  • You cannot import information about buildings from the third-party MCE Sentry system. Each MCE floor marking must be added manually.


  1. From the home page in Config Tool, open the Plugins task.
  2. From the entity browser, select the MCE Sentry Destination Dispatch plugin.
  3. Click the Landings tab.
  4. Click Add ().
    Landings page in the MCE Sentry plugin for Security Center with Add button highlighted
    The Add landing dialog box opens.

    Add landing dialog box of the MCE Sentry plugin for Security Center

  5. Select one of the following:
    • Create new floor marking

      If you select this option, enter the following:

      Enter a name to identify the MCE floor marking.
      Enter a description of the MCE floor marking.
      Enter the floor that the MCE floor marking corresponds to.
      Elevator side
      From the list, select whether the floor marking is at the Front or Rear door of the elevator.

      Add landing dialog box to create new floor marking in MCE Sentry plugin for Security Center

    • Use existing floor marking

      If you select Use existing floor marking, configure the following:

      Floor marking
      1. Click Select floor marking.
      2. From the dialog box that opens, select an MCE floor marking.
      3. Click OK.
      Enter the floor that the MCE floor marking corresponds to.
      Elevator side
      From the list, select whether the floor marking is at the Front or Rear door of the elevator.

      Dialog box to add existing landing in the MCE Sentry plugin for Security Center

      NOTE: To use an existing floor marking, you must first create an MCE floor marking in the Area view task.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Apply.
    • In Plugins > MCE Sentry > Landings, the MCE floor marking is added to the list of floor markings.
    • In the Area view task, the MCE floor marking is added to the area view.
  8. Apply access rules to the floor marking.
  9. Add cameras to the floor marking.