Adding destination input devices - MCE Sentry Destination Dispatch 3.0.0

MCE Sentry Destination Dispatch Plugin Guide 3.0.0

Applies to
MCE Sentry Destination Dispatch 3.0.0
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
MCE Sentry Destination Dispatch

To monitor and investigate events related to the destination input devices in your building, you must add each one to the plugin.


  1. From the home page in Config Tool, open the Plugins task.
  2. From the entity browser, select the MCE Sentry Destination Dispatch plugin.
  3. Right-click on the plugin role and select MCE Sentry > Add destination input device .
    Properties page of the MCE Sentry plugin for Security Center with Add destination input device highlighted
    The Add destination input device dialog box opens.

    Dialog box for adding a destination input device in the MCE Sentry plugin for Security Center

  4. Enter the following:
    Enter a name to identify the device.
    Enter a description of the device.
    Reader ID
    Enter a unique number between 1 and 127 to identify the device.
    IMPORTANT: This number must match the reader ID that is applied to the destination input device in the third-party MCE Sentry system.
  5. Click OK.
    The destination input device is displayed in the entity browser.