About offline mustering in the Mustering task - Mustering 3.1

Mustering Task Guide 3.1

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Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

You can use the Mustering task without a connection to the Directory. All credentials badged while the task is disconnected are in an offline status, and their associated cardholders are not moved to any area until the task connects.

If you open the Mustering task without logging on to a Security Center Client, the task opens in a separate window. To do this, you must first enable the Mustering task for offline use.

Offline mustering without local entity storage

If the Mustering task is not connected to the Directory the first time you open it, the list of cardholders, credentials, and areas is unavailable. Manual mustering is therefore unavailable, and new entries created by card reads only contain the credential raw data and timestamp. These entries have an offline status (), and their associated cardholders are not moved to any area.

To move badged cardholders to the mustering area after you connect to the Directory, you must select the mustering area and confirm the selection.

Offline mustering with local entity storage

If the task loses connection with the Directory, the last known information associated with credentials, cardholders, and areas is stored in a local cache. Manual mustering is therefore unavailable, and new entries created from card reads include all the information associated to the credential. All cardholders badged while the task was disconnected are automatically moved to the mustering area when connection is re-established.