Importing Mustering task data entries from a CSV file - Mustering 3.1

Mustering Task Guide 3.1

Applies to
Mustering 3.1
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides

If the device loses connection to the Directory, you can save the current mustering data entries, and then synchronize the entries from the CSV file to a different device.

Before you begin

Ensure that the mustering data CSV from the other mustering station is accessible from the machine you want to import to.


  1. From the home page in Security Desk or Config Tool, open the Mustering task.
  2. Click Import from CSV, select the file to import, and click Open.
    The imported entries are displayed in the report pane with a yellow status icon (), indicating that the entries are not yet synchronized. No cardholders are moved yet.
  3. Click Sync credentials.
  4. In the Commit imported entries dialog box, click Yes.


The yellow status icons of the imported entries turn green (), indicating that the entries are written to the current file and the cardholders are moved to the area defined in In area column of the entry.