Connecting multiple plugin roles to different OnGuard servers - OnGuard 5.0

OnGuard Plugin Guide 5.0

Applies to
OnGuard 5.0
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides

You can create multiple OnGuard plugin roles in Security Center to synchronize entities, and receive events from more than one OnGuard system simultaneously.

Before you begin

  • Make sure that all the OnGuard servers are using the same version of OnGuard.
  • Make sure an OnGuard plugin role already exists in your system.

What you should know

  • You can create multiple OnGuard plugin roles to synchronize entities and events from multiple OnGuard servers into Security Center.
  • It is not recommended to create multiple OnGuard roles on the same server unless it has sufficient resources.
  • You should not connect the same OnGuard server to different OnGuard plugin role instances on the same Security Center directory, otherwise duplication of events and entities will occur.
  • Connecting multiple OnGuard Enterprise systems to different OnGuard plugin role instances which expose the same entities may result in duplication of events and entities.


  1. Create a new OnGuard plugin role.
    IMPORTANT: When creating multiple OnGuard plugin roles, you can use the same database server, but you must create a new database and not reuse the current one, because two roles cannot use the same database.
  2. Configure the plugin role to connect to the OnGuard server.


Security Center connects to the OnGuard servers, and synchronizes entities and receive events from each of them simultaneously.