What is the Otis Compass plugin? - Otis Compass 3.2.1

Otis Compass Destination Dispatch Plugin Guide 3.2.1

Otis Compass
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

The Otis Compass plugin integrates the Otis CompassPlus™ Destination Management system into Security Center. Using this plugin, you can manage and monitor your elevators and cardholders in Security Center.

You can use the plugin to do the following:
  • Connect the Otis Compass plugin role to one or more CompassPlus™ systems.
  • Synchronize the destination entry devices from the CompassPlus™ system in Security Center.
  • Create entities (floors, landings, and so on) in Security Center to match the physical building that is managed by the CompassPlus™ system.
  • Configure elevator dispatch options for Destination Entry Computers (DEC), such as the mode of operation for the computers, authorized floors, access rules, and so on.
  • Assign default floors to cardholders and cardholder groups, as well as special passenger labels from the CompassPlus™ system.
  • Exempt cardholders and cardholder groups from the DEC access rules.
  • Receive and monitor CompassPlus™ events in Security Desk as custom events.
  • Map elevator cars from the CompassPlus™ system to elevator entities in Security Center, and monitor events related to those elevator cars in Security Desk.
  • Investigate past CompassPlus™ system events using the following Security Desk reports:
  • Manually dispatch elevators from Security Desk.
  • Divide your building into segments to provide different dispatch rules to groups of passengers.
  • Lock and unlock floors from Security Desk to temporarily override the access control rules in response to an emergency.