Importing custom queries for T2 Systems integration in Pay-by-Plate Sync - Pay-by-Plate Sync 5.6

Pay-by-Plate Sync Plugin Guide 5.6

Pay-by-Plate Sync
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Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

If you are using T2 Systems as your parking provider in Pay-by-Plate Sync, you must import the required queries.

What you should know

There are five different queries you must import into the T2 Flex system. You can download these queries from a special Genetec download link. After you import the queries into the T2 system, the system creates five “Query UID” values that you must enter into Security Center Config Tool. These UID values are used by the Pay-by-Plate Sync plugin to communicate with T2 Systems.
NOTE: This section describes how to import queries using version 7.5.168 of the T2 Flex application. If you are using a different version of T2 Flex, the steps below may be slightly different. For more information, contact your T2 representative.
IMPORTANT: To use these queries, your permits must contain a Valid Location field and a Vehicle field. If your permits do not include these fields, T2 Systems must create new custom queries for you to import. For more information, contact T2 Systems technical support.
The five query files you need to import are the following:
  • GetFacilitiesQuery.qry
  • GetPermitsQuery.qry
  • GetPermitsForPlateQuery.qry
  • GetPermitsByModDateQuery.qry
  • GetAllPermitsForPlateInAllFacilities.qry


  1. Download which contains five T2 query files.
    NOTE: The 5.3 version of the ZIP file is valid for Pay-by-Plate Sync 5.6.
  2. Log on to the T2 Flex web-based configuration page (each client has a different URL).
    The Welcome page appears.
  3. From the left-hand side menu, click Processing > Query Manager.
  4. Click Import Query.
    The Import Query page appears.
  5. Click Browse, select one of the queries, and then click Next.
    NOTE: You can import the queries in any order.
  6. (Optional) You can rename the query or query description.
  7. Click Save. Do not import the query as private.
    The Query Setup page appears.
  8. Select Is Available for Web Services. Do not modify the other options.
  9. From the menu above the Query Setup options, click Summary.
    The Review Query Summary page appears.
  10. Click Save and Close.
    If you imported the GetFacilitiesQuery.qry, go directly to Step 12. For all other queries, the Modify Variable Values page appears.
  11. Click Save And Close. Do not modify any options.
    The full list of available T2 queries appears.
  12. Find and select the query you just created, and write down the Query UID value.
  13. Log on to Security Center Config Tool.
  14. In the Config Tool Home page, select Plugins, and then click on Pay-by-Plate Sync.
  15. Select the Properties page.
  16. From the Parking providers list, click the edit button () next to T2 Systems.
  17. Enter the UID value from the T2 system in the appropriate field.
    For example, if you imported the GetFacilitiesQuery.qry file, enter the UID you received from T2 in the Get facilities query ID field.
  18. Repeat this procedure for the other queries.


You have successfully imported the T2 Systems custom queries.