About matcher settings files - Pay-by-Plate Sync 5.7

Pay-by-Plate Sync Plugin Guide 5.7

Pay-by-Plate Sync
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Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

When dirty or damaged license plates are misread by a Sharp camera, different methods are available for matching the plate read to a permit. Which matcher settings file you need to configure depends on the AutoVu™ installation type.

The following ALPR matcher files and settings are available on the ALPR server:

ALPR matcher File or setting Location
General matcher MatchersSettings.xml C:\Program Files\Genetec Security Center X.X.
Pay-by-Plate Sync matcher Genetec.Plugins.MobilePBP.dll.config C:\Program Files (x86)\Security Center Plugins\MobilePBP
AutoVu™ Free-Flow setting Match tolerance threshold AutoVu™ Free-Flow section of the ALPR Manager Properties page

Fixed SharpV cameras using Free-Flow and the Pay-by-Plate Sync plugin

In this case, the Pay-by-Plate Sync matcher settings are used to validate license plate reads at the parking lot entrance against the Security Center permit file that has been updated with third party permits by Pay-by-Plate Sync.

The Match tolerance threshold setting is used to close parking sessions if the plate is misread at the parking lot exit.

NOTE: In the following example, the matcher settings allow one OCR equivalent character.
Read matched to ABC 123 permit Vehicle enters Security Center permit list Pay-by-Plate matcher Plate misread as ABC 12 8 Valid permit for ABC 12 3 Vehicle exits Plate misread as ABC 12 8 Parking lot entry Parking lot exit Third-party permit list Security Center permit list Valid permit for ABC 12 3 Third-party permit list Parking session for ABC 123 closed Free-flow: Match tolerance threshold

Fixed SharpV cameras using Free-Flow without the Pay-by-Plate Sync plugin

In this case, the general matcher file is used to validate license plate reads at the parking lot entrance against the Security Center permit list. No third-party lists are involved in this scenario.

The Match tolerance threshold setting is used to close parking sessions if the plate is misread at the parking lot exit.

NOTE: In the following example, the matcher settings allow one OCR equivalent character.
Read matched to ABC 123 permit Vehicle enters Security Center permit list General matcher Plate misread as ABC 12 8 Valid permit for ABC 12 3 Parking session for ABC 123 closed Vehicle exits Security Center permit list Free-flow: Match tolerance threshold Plate misread as ABC 12 8 Valid permit for ABC 12 3 Parking lot entry Parking lot exit

Mobile SharpZ3 cameras using the Pay-by-Plate Sync plugin

In this case, the general matcher file is used to validate license plate reads against the Genetec Patroller™ permit file that has been updated with third party permits by Pay-by-Plate Sync.

When the system performs a last chance lookup to verify that the permit has not recently been added to the list, no matcher settings are applied. Only an exact match triggers a violation.

NOTE: In the following example, the matcher settings allow one OCR equivalent character.

Mobile SharpZ3 cameras without the Pay-by-Plate Sync plugin

In this case, the general matcher file is used to validate license plate reads against the Patroller permit file that has been updated with the current Security Center permit list.

When the system performs a last chance lookup to verify that the permit has not recently been added to the list, no matcher settings are applied. Only an exact match triggers a violation.

NOTE: In the following example, the matcher settings allow one OCR equivalent character.
Plate misread as ABC 12 8 Genetec Patroller valid permit for ABC 12 3 Read matched to ABC 123 permit General matcher Valid permit Security Center permit list Violation No match General matcher Violation Plate correctly read ABC 123 Genetec Patroller No permit for ABC 123 Security Center permit list