Preparing to configure the Pay-by-Plate Sync plugin - Pay-by-Plate Sync 5.7

Pay-by-Plate Sync Plugin Guide 5.7

Pay-by-Plate Sync
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

Before you configure the Pay-by-Plate Sync plugin, you must perform some pre-configuration steps.


  1. Install the Pay-by-Plate Sync plugin on the Security Center computers.
  2. Configure Security Center and Genetec Patrollerâ„¢ for a mobile deployment. This includes setting up the ALPR Manager root folder, and configuring Patroller offload settings for live transfer of plate reads to Security Center.
  3. Have the information for connecting to the third-party provider available. Although the information is different for each provider, you will typically need IP addresses, port numbers, user names, and passwords.
  4. Have a list of the IP addresses and port numbers needed for Security Center, Patroller, and the third-party parking provider to communicate with each other. For a visual representation of the ports, see the Security Center Network Diagram - ALPR.